I have implemented FIR filter using tapped delay line method. I start getting output as soon as first input sample is passed to it, I am wondering from which sample I will get the proper output(without transient outputs) from filter.
Does it depend on location of highest magnitude tap or it's just dependent on the length of filter.The number of filter coefficients I am using are N(odd) and symmetric. for verifying I took the following filter taps as example :-
$F1$ $=$ $[1 0 0 0 0 0 0];$
$F2$ $=$ $[0 1 0 0 0 0 0];$
$F3$ $=$ $[0 0 1 0 0 0 0];$
and so on,if I pass sine wave using filter coefficients $F1$ then the first sample of the output is itself meaningful but if I use $F2$ and $F3$ then meaningful output is from second and third output samples respectively. I am also wondering how matlab command $filter()$ works.