This is my first question on this platform. Sorry if I made mistakes.
What happens if we add two or more same frequency signals near to Nyquist Frequency with phase shift and sample them?
For example, assume that we have a signal of 18000Hz. And add another signal with same frequency, but having 180 degree phase with our first signal. Then, sample this total signal at 36000Hz. What happens if we reconstruct this signal? Does this situation result in aliasing?
Note: I'am trying to figure out how exactly sound records are sampled when musicians playing their instruments. For example, assume that two keyboard players playing a note at 20000Hz which will be sampled at 44100Hz. Since they are human-being they are not supposed to hold the rhythm like in electronic music. Therefore, there will be a phase shift in their playing and wouldn't this cause aliasing in reconstructed signal?
Thanks for the answers.