I am still new to MATLAB, so apologies if I sound lazy to you. I am attempting to model a transformation as a set of matrix operations. I start with a vector, up-sample it by $U$ (up-sampling rate), take its Fourier transform, apply a Low-pass filter, take Inverse Fourier transform and finally down-sample at a rate $D$, where $U \neq D$.
I want to do all these transformations as a set of matrix multiplication, and not use MATLAB's built-in commands. Up-sampling / Down-sampling is easy. And so is Low Pass Filtering. But I am stuck with fft
and ifft
. I could use dftmtx
to generate the matrix that would perform the fft
, but using a vector $1000$ samples long, and up-sampling it by $1000$ makes a very big array, so that matrix generated by dftmtx
becomes memory constrained. I have looked the code for dftmtx
which is simply fft(eye(n))
, where $n$ is length of the vector to be transformed. I tried replacing eye(n)
with speye(n)
, so as to reduce the matrix values, but it would not work this way too.
The second problem is I do not have any idea how to do ifft
using a matrix multiplication. I understand this matrix will also be a very large matrix and become memory constrained. However, no search on any online resource has helped me so far.
Whereas doing the above mentioned transformations is easily done by MATLAB, I need the matrix version for my application.
Any guidance is appreciated.
My code in simplest for is
n=1000;% length of original code
a=randn(n,1)+j*randn(n,1); %initialise
U=1001; %up-sampling rate
u=zeros(n*U,n); %Blank up-sample matrix
%find indices for up-sampling
for i=1:N;
ua=u*a; %up-sample a by rate of U
%Find Fourier transform
%Designing LPF
lp=speye(length(fa)); %initialise
j=length(fa)/2-ceil(U/3):length(fa)/2+ceil(U/3); %define central region where high frequencies will be ignored
lp(j,j)=0; %ignore center values which have high frequency, render this region zero
lpa= lp*fa; %Low Pass Filter Up-sampled Fourier transformed sequence
%Inverse Fourier transform
ifa=ifft(lpa); %How to implement this as matrix multiplication so that we have ifa = ifft_matrix * lpa
D=1000; %down-sample rate
d=zeros(j,length(ifa)); %Blank up-sample matrix %find indices for down-sampling code
for i=1:j
da=d*ifa; %calculate the down-sampled matrix da with length 1001 (original code stretched by 1 sample)