I'm looking for a simple way to show that you can form a single impulse response that is the equivalent $M$ other impulse responses, ie:
$$ h\left(t\right)=h_0\left(t\right)\star h_1\left(t\right)...\star h_{M-1}\left(t\right) $$
I know convolution is multiplication in the frequency domain, so I cooked up this "equation":
$$ h\left(t\right)=\mathcal F^{-1}\left\{\prod_{i=0}^{M-1} \mathcal F\left\{h_{i}\right\}\right\}(t) $$
With $\mathcal F^{-1}$ being the inverse Fourier transform operator, and $\mathcal F$ being the Fourier transform operator. Expressing myself in math notation isn't really my strong side, what I intended to show was that the combined impulse response $h(t)$ equals the sequences multiplied together in the frequency domain.
- Does it make any sense?
- Or is there perhaps a simple way to show this?
- What about circular convolution in the frequency domain, and infinite impulse responses in continuous time?