This example code was used to answer a question about applying a window on the Fourier amplitude spectrum. How to apply Hamming Window?
I have a question about the section of code related to the variable mYdft
. It's altered 3 times and I'm not sure why. Could someone elaborate on what's going on here?
Complete example code for reference:
Ts = 50e-6; % Sampling Time(s)
Fs = 1/Ts; % Sampling rate, Sampling Freq (Hz)
f0 = 50; % Frequency of interest (Hz)
duraT = 1;
%Calculate time axis
dt = 1/Fs;
tAxis = dt:dt:(duraT-dt);
y = cos(2*pi*f0*tAxis) + 2*sin(2*pi*10*tAxis); y=y';
L = length (y); % Window Length of FFT
nfft = 2^nextpow2(L); % Transform length
y_HannWnd = y.*hanning(L);
Ydft_HannWnd = fft(y_HannWnd,nfft)/L;
% at all frequencies except zero and the Nyquist
mYdft = abs(Ydft_HannWnd);
mYdft = mYdft (1:nfft/2+1);
mYdft (2:end-1) = 2* mYdft(2:end-1);
f = Fs/2*linspace(0,1,nfft/2+1);
title('Time Domain y(t)');
plot(f,2*mYdft); % why need *2 ? Bcoz, Hanning Wnd Amplitude Correction Factor = 2
axis ([0 500 0 5]); %Zoom in
title('Amplitude Spectrum with Hann Wnd');
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)with hanning window');