I have a quite typical Kalman filter to design. I really read a lot of articles about the design of this filter but the performances of my filter are still quite bad.
Here is my situation. I have a quite good measurement signal of my position (let's say a very small white noise) and a pretty noisy measurement signal of my velocity (big white noise). I want to estimate a new position (which will be I guess not very different from my measurements) and my velocity as well (which will be more different)
Here is my Matlab code: (I don't want to use the Matlab Kalman function ;) )
%% Kalman Filter Design
dt = 0.01;
%% Define coefficient matrices
% x = [position;velocity;acceleration]
% True State equation
% x = F * x(t-1) + B * u + w
F = [ 1 dt dt^2/2
0 1 dt
0 0 1];
B = [0
% Measurement of the true state equation
% z = H * x(t) + v
H = [1 0 0
0 1 0];
%% Define noise
%Process noise(white noise)
% w = Gw * a
a = [0 ; 0 ; wgn(1,1,100)];
Gw = [0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 1];
%Process noise covariance matrix
Q = Gw * Gw' * cov(a);
%Measurement noise (white noise)
v = [wgn(1,1,0.001) ; wgn(1,1,20)];
%Measurement noise covariance matrix
R = cov(v)* [0.5 0
0 1];
%% Kalman Filter
x_estimate = [0;0;0];
P = Q;
position_estimate = [];
velocity_estimate = [];
acc_estimate = [];
P_mag_estimate = [];
predic_state =[];
predic_var = [];
z = [position_meas,velocity_meas];
for t = 1:length (z)
%Predicted state estimate
x_estimate = F * x_estimate;
predic_state = [predic_state; x_estimate(1)];
%Predicted estimate covariance
P = F * P * F' + Q;
predic_var = [predic_var; P];
%Innovation covariance
S = H * P * H' + R ;
%Kalman Gain Predict measurement covariance
K = P * H' * inv(S);
% Updated state estimate
x_estimate = x_estimate + K * (z(t) - H * x_estimate);
%Update covariance estimation
P = (eye(size(P,2)) - K * H) * P;
%Store for plotting
position_estimate = [position_estimate; x_estimate(1)];
velocity_estimate = [velocity_estimate; x_estimate(2)];
P_mag_estimate = [P_mag_estimate; P(1)];
My question is: how can I find Q and R? Does it depend of what I want to do?
Thanks a lot for your help
P = 1000*eye(3);
. Your velocity noise variance is very high compared with the position variance... $\endgroup$wk = [0 0 wgn(1,1,100)]
is correct to say thatQ = cov(wk,wk')
? I mean is it enough to take in account that w~N(0,Q) and is it the only one possibiity ? $\endgroup$