I've been trying to design a bandpass filter using scipy but I keep getting a LinAlg Singular Matrix error. I read that a singular matrix is one that is not invertable, but I'm not sure how that error is coming up and what I can do to fix it
The code takes in an EEG signal (which, in the code below, I have just replaced with an int array for testing) and filters out frequencies < 8Hz and > 12Hz (alpha band)
Can anyone shed some light on where the singular matrix error is coming from? Or alternatively, if you know of a better way to filter a signal like this I'd love to test out other options too
from scipy import signal
from scipy.signal import filter_design as fd
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
Wp = [8, 12] # Cutoff frequency
Ws = [7.5, 12.5] # Stop frequency
Rp = 1 # passband maximum loss (gpass)
As = 100 # stoppand min attenuation (gstop)
b,a = fd.iirdesign(Wp,Ws,Rp,As,ftype='butter')
w,H = signal.freqz(b,a) # filter response
t = np.linspace(1,256,256)
x = np.arange(256)
y = signal.filtfilt(b,a,x)