Short question
How to plot the magnitude of frequency response of the delay line canceller with non constant period using GNU Octave? Or more directly: how to plot magnitude of frequency response of staggered PRF (pulse repetition frequency) MTI (moving target indicator) processors?
Full question
I try to plot magnitude of frequency response of the MTI delay line canceller (some kind of FIR) which has the following structure using GNU Octave:
With tips in my related post I can plot frequency response for constant period:
close all;
clear all;
T = 1e-3;
f = linspace (0, 2 / T, 1000);
w = 2 .* pi .* f;
z = exp (-j .* w .* T);
H_z = 1 - z .^ -1;
plot (f, abs (H_z), 'r', "linewidth", 2);
hold on;
grid on;
title ("Magnitude of the frequency response of the delay line canceler.");
xlabel ("Frequency.");
ylabel ("Magnitude.");
But now I am interesting in frequency response for non constant period:
- determinate values of period;
- random values of period.
I try to do in the following way:
close all;
clear all;
T_1 = 0.001;
T_2 = 0.0012;
f = linspace (0, 2 / min (T_1, T_2), 1000);
w = 2 .* pi .* f;
z_1 = exp (-j .* w .* T_1);
z_2 = exp (-j .* w .* T_2);
H_z_1 = 1 - z_1 .^ -1;
H_z_2 = 1 - z_2 .^ -1;
k = 1 / 2;
H_z = k .* (H_z_1 + H_z_2);
plot (f, abs (H_z), 'r', "linewidth", 2);
hold on;
grid on;
title ("Magnitude of the frequency response of the delay line canceler for alternate values of period T1 and T2.");
xlabel ("Frequency.");
ylabel ("Magnitude.");
Another words, I mean that: common frequency response is the normalized sum of the frequency response for each value of the period.
Am I right? If yes, is this approach will be correct for random values of period?
Here is some related papers, when mentioned frequency response of staggered PRF MTI processors: