I'm starting a project where we will have to analyze bird recordings. We will try to measure the birds activity using the audio.
The recordings are really long (around 24 hours each) and recorded in IMA ADPCM WAV. All files are about 1.5GB each.
When trying to import them into MATLAB, it simply locks up because of the size of the files (I think). So we were thinking about heavily compressing the files to 8KBPS mp3's, which would result in files of around 100MB.
Now I know mp3 compression is based on the psychoacoustics of the human hearing, so I was wondering whether using mp3 compression would throw away data dat would be needed for the analyzation.
If it does throw away data that we would need, what would be the best route to take? Are there other compression techniques that might be better suited to our needs?
Thanks in advance.