I'm trying to match(to the best extent possible) the outputs of FIR filter based on Frequency domain overlap-save method and time domain convolution method resp.
I was able to get most of the output to match except the tail as shown in the figure below. The overlap-save method always seems to lose the last half cycle for this particular signal.
It seems easier to deal with issues like filter delay and edge artifacts in time domain approach by pre-loading the filter with a part of the input stream and extracting a portion of the output signal, but is there any way to do the same in the frequency-domain/overlap-save approach for the full duration of filtered signal and also generalize for any signal length, cycles and sampling rate?
The Octave code for the two filters and the test script:
%% test filters
clc; clear all; close all;
pkg load signal
h = fir1(28, 6/24);
figure; stem(0:length(h)-1, h); title('LP Filter Impulse Response');
F = 48e3;
t = (0:1:2000)*(1/F);
f1 = 1e3;
f2 = 15e3;
signalIn = sin(2*pi*f1*t) + sin(2*pi*f2*t);
figure; plot(t, signalIn, 'b');
signalOutTDM = FirFilterTimeD(signalIn, h);
signalOutFDM = FirFilterFreqD(signalIn, h);
plot(1:length(signalOutTDM), signalOutTDM, 'r'); hold on;
plot(1:length(signalOutFDM), signalOutFDM, 'g');
title('Signal Out (index vs amp)'); legend('TimeDomainFIR','FreqDomainFIR');
%% Overlap-save method
function out = FirFilterFreqD(timeDomain, filterTaps)
idxOffset = 1;
tdSize = length(timeDomain);
numTaps = length(filterTaps);
FFTlen = 2^(ceil(log2(numTaps)) + 5); % FFT length is typically set to a value much greater than numTaps
if FFTlen > tdSize
FFTlen = 2^(floor(log2(tdSize))-2);
overlap = numTaps - 1;
numZpad = overlap + floor(numTaps/2);
if size(timeDomain,1) > size(timeDomain,2)
timeDomain = [zeros(numZpad,1); timeDomain; zeros(floor(numTaps/2),1)];
timeDomain = [zeros(1,numZpad) timeDomain zeros(1, floor(numTaps/2))];
tdSizePadded = length(timeDomain);
out = zeros(tdSizePadded,1);
H = fft(filterTaps, FFTlen);
pos = 0;
stepLength = FFTlen - overlap;
while (pos + FFTlen) <= tdSizePadded
out_ifft = ifft(fft(timeDomain(pos + (0:FFTlen-1) + idxOffset), FFTlen) .* H, FFTlen);
out_select = out_ifft((numTaps-1:FFTlen-1) + idxOffset); % Take last stepLength values or discard first numTaps-1 values
out(pos + (0:stepLength-1) + idxOffset) = out_select;
pos += stepLength;
out = out((overlap-1:tdSizePadded-numTaps-1) + idxOffset);
%% Time Domain FIR filter
function out = FirFilterTimeD(timeDomain, filterTaps)
idxOffset = 1;
tdSize = length(timeDomain);
out = zeros(tdSize,1);
idx = 0;
idxout = 0;
numTaps = length(filterTaps);
if mod(numTaps,2)==0
delay = numTaps/2;
delay = (numTaps-1)/2;
tdi = flip(timeDomain);
for i=0:tdSize-1
idxout = tdSize - delay - i;
if (idxout<0)
idxout = tdSize + idxout;
out(idxout+idxOffset) = 0.0;
for x = 0:numTaps-1
idx = mod((i+x),length(tdi));
out(idxout + idxOffset) += tdi(idx + idxOffset) * filterTaps(x + idxOffset);