I'm trying to do an FFT-based gaussian blur on a grayscale image, and it works, however it seems to introduce ringing artifacts to the result when compared to the expected direct filter. What can I do to mitigate this?
In reality I'm using quite a wide gaussian kernel, so I'd rather not use direct convolution for the blurring.
The left image is a regular blur, the right one is the FFT-based blur. Note the "ringing" especially in the top middle-left part of the right image. Also it seems like the blur is a bit stronger on the right for some reason.
(python) code:
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage, misc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ascent = misc.ascent()[300:450, 100:250].astype(np.float64)
input_ = np.fft.rfft2(ascent)
result = ndimage.fourier_gaussian(input_, sigma=1.5)
result = np.fft.irfft2(result)
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(5, 2.5))
ax1.imshow(ndimage.gaussian_filter(ascent, 1.5, mode='wrap', truncate=10))
plt.savefig("fourier gaussian blur test.png")
I apologize if this question is trivial, I don't know much about image processing.
specify the size of the Gaussian kernel? (or, if it doesn't, what does the result look like when your input is a single white pixel against black background)? I suspect edge / windowing effects. $\endgroup$