I'm attempting to interpret the following function. To my understanding, this aims to implement an FIR low-pass filter with a Nuttall window. Then, it filters the signal by a simple application of the convolution equivalence theorem.
static void GetFilteredSignal(int half_average_length, int fft_size,
const fft_complex *y_spectrum, int y_length, double *filtered_signal) {
double *low_pass_filter = new double[fft_size];
// Nuttall window is used as a low-pass filter.
// Cutoff frequency depends on the window length.
NuttallWindow(half_average_length * 4, low_pass_filter);
for (int i = half_average_length * 4; i < fft_size; ++i)
low_pass_filter[i] = 0.0;
fft_complex *low_pass_filter_spectrum = new fft_complex[fft_size];
fft_plan forwardFFT = fft_plan_dft_r2c_1d(fft_size, low_pass_filter,
low_pass_filter_spectrum, FFT_ESTIMATE);
// Convolution
double tmp = y_spectrum[0][0] * low_pass_filter_spectrum[0][0] -
y_spectrum[0][1] * low_pass_filter_spectrum[0][1];
low_pass_filter_spectrum[0][1] =
y_spectrum[0][0] * low_pass_filter_spectrum[0][1] +
y_spectrum[0][1] * low_pass_filter_spectrum[0][0];
low_pass_filter_spectrum[0][0] = tmp;
for (int i = 1; i <= fft_size / 2; ++i) {
tmp = y_spectrum[i][0] * low_pass_filter_spectrum[i][0] -
y_spectrum[i][1] * low_pass_filter_spectrum[i][1];
low_pass_filter_spectrum[i][1] =
y_spectrum[i][0] * low_pass_filter_spectrum[i][1] +
y_spectrum[i][1] * low_pass_filter_spectrum[i][0];
low_pass_filter_spectrum[i][0] = tmp;
low_pass_filter_spectrum[fft_size - i - 1][0] =
low_pass_filter_spectrum[fft_size - i - 1][1] =
fft_plan inverseFFT = fft_plan_dft_c2r_1d(fft_size,
low_pass_filter_spectrum, filtered_signal, FFT_ESTIMATE);
// Compensation of the delay.
int index_bias = half_average_length * 2;
for (int i = 0; i < y_length; ++i)
filtered_signal[i] = filtered_signal[i + index_bias];
delete[] low_pass_filter_spectrum;
delete[] low_pass_filter;
There are two major points that I don't understand in this algorithm:
- Half average length. What is it? It is used to calculate the filter order and the comment says it influences the cutoff frequency. I realise that the window length limits resolution when applying to a signal. My confusion is that all DSP guides I look up usually assume some filter order N as a design parameter, rather than selecting it based on a desired cut-off frequency. Is there a relationship between N and then cutoff frequency then in this case/generally?
- Compensation of the delay. I'm not familiar with the details of filter design, but after reading up, I found that it is essential to shift a time-domain signal after FIR filtering. Filtering usually has frequency-dependent group delay, but FIR filters have the advantage of a constant group delay being $ \frac{N-1}{2} $, where N is the number of taps or order of the filter. Assuming $ \text{half_average_length} \cdot 4 = N $, it follows that $ \text{index_bias} = (\text{half_average_length} \cdot 4 - 1) /2 $ . I realise this wouldn't make sense as it's not a whole number, but then there is something wrong with my interpretation of $ \frac{N-1}{2} $. What is wrong with my interpretation of this formula?