
I am working in a phoneme recognition project, the language that I am using is "English". I have a tool that converts each written phrase in phonemes. Also I have an estimation of the time length of each word. I would like to know also the duration of every single phoneme. Does any one know if there is a good source where I can resort to know the duration of the phonemes in the English language?


1 Answer 1


NLTK has an interface/downloader for a sample of the TIMIT phoneme corpus (http://nltk.sourceforge.net/doc/api/nltk.corpus.reader.timit-module.html), and it should be straightforward to get the lengths of the phoneme recordings in that corpus.

  • $\begingroup$ The source code of the of the stage that I need isn't available (phonetic()) :( $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 14, 2015 at 23:20

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