This might be a silly question, but I'm pretty rusty on my signals. The problem is the following: I'm using a program which does not have a random signal generator, but I can sum up sines; and I need to have a "white noise" signal.
What would be a good way to "approximate" a white noise signal with sines?
I know that I'll need an infinite amount of sines... but understand that I can't do that, I'm limited to the program limitations. So my specific questions are the following:
1) Should the frequencies of the sine waves be below or(and?) above the Nyquist frequency?
2) Say I've chosen I want "white noise" in frequencies 10Hz-100Hz, and I can only use 10 sines. Should I equally space the frequencies inside this range? Or choose them at random?
3) Now that I have my frequencies, what magnitudes should I assign these sines if I want to have a specific "Gaussian" distribution of my "white noise" signal values?
Hope this question doesn't cringe upon anybody that likes "pure" white noise!