I'm having a problem where I cannot explain why the amplitude in the frequency domain not is as expected.
The scenario:
I have a time domain signal of consisting of two sine waves. on at 5Hz with amplitude 2 and one at 10Hz with amplitude 2. the signal is 10 seconds long. The 5 Hz sine wave is only present the first 5 seconds, and the 10Hz sine is only present in the last 5 seconds.
if I take an FFT of the first 5 seconds the amplitudemagnitude in the frequency domain at 5Hz is as expected. And again if I take an FFT of the last 5 seconds the amplitudemagnitude of the last 5 seconds is as expected.
But if I take the FFT of the entire signal both the amplitudemagnitude at 5 and 10 Hz seems to have halfed in amplitudemagnitude ? Is this expected or am I doing something wrong.
I'm using MathDotNet in a custom made application.