The implementation in my opinion is straightforward and clear, but result which I get is wrong: the maximum sidelobe level is 2 instead of 1, the main lobe is shifted to left and sidelobes aren't symmetric. Can anybody explain where is my error?
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.fftpack
# Signal and related data.
# *_t - time domain;
# *_f - frequency domain.
pulse_code = "+++++--++-+-+"
N = 64
M = len (pulse_code)
L = N - M + 1
sample_number = L * 1;
time = np.linspace (0, sample_number, sample_number);
pulse_shift = len (pulse_code) + 1;
signal_t = np.zeros (sample_number) + 1j * np.zeros (sample_number)
filter_t = np.zeros (N) + 1j * np.zeros (N)
chunk_t = np.zeros (N) + 1j * np.zeros (N)
chunk_f = np.zeros (N) + 1j * np.zeros (N)
envelope = np.zeros (sample_number)
# Create signal.
for i in range (sample_number):
if i >= pulse_shift and i < pulse_shift + len (pulse_code):
m = 1. if pulse_code [i - pulse_shift] == '+' else -1.
signal_t [i] = m + 1j * 0
# Create filter as inverse signal with zero padding.
n = len (pulse_code) - 1
for i in range (len (pulse_code) ):
m = 1. if pulse_code [len (pulse_code) - i - 1] == '+' else -1.
filter_t [i] = m + 1j * 0
# and get it's FFT.
filter_f = scipy.fftpack.fft (filter_t)
# Performs convolution using overlap-save method.
for i in range (sample_number / L):
for j in range (M - 1):
chunk_t [j] = chunk_t [L + j]
for j in range (L):
chunk_t [M - 1 + j] = signal_t [i * L + j]
chunk_f = scipy.fftpack.fft (chunk_t)
chunk_f = scipy.fftpack.ifft (chunk_f * filter_f)
for j in range (L):
envelope [i * L + j] = np.abs (chunk_f [M - 1 + j])
# Print result.
fig = plt.figure ()
plt.subplot (2, 1, 1)
plt.plot (time, signal_t);
plt.title ("Input signal.")
plt.xlabel ("Time")
plt.ylabel ("Amplitude")
plt.subplot (2, 1, 2)
plt.plot (time, envelope);
plt.title ("Magnitude of compressed signal.")
plt.xlabel ("Time")
plt.ylabel ("Amplitude")