I try to understand what following algorithm from this gimp plugin does to denoise an image:
/* Wavelet denoise GIMP plugin
* wavelet.c
* Copyright 2008 by Marco Rossini
* Implements the wavelet denoise code of UFRaw by Udi Fuchs
* which itself bases on the code by Dave Coffin
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* Instructions:
* compile with gimptool, eg. 'gimptool-2.0 --install wavelet-denoise.c'
wavelet_denoise (float *fimg[3], unsigned int width,
unsigned int height, float threshold, double low, float a,
float b)
float *temp, thold;
unsigned int i, lev, lpass, hpass, size, col, row;
double stdev[5];
unsigned int samples[5];
size = width * height;
/* FIXME: replace by GIMP functions */
temp = (float *) malloc (MAX2 (width, height) * sizeof (float));
hpass = 0;
for (lev = 0; lev < 5; lev++)
if (b != 0)
gimp_progress_update (a + b * lev / 5.0);
lpass = ((lev & 1) + 1);
for (row = 0; row < height; row++)
hat_transform (temp, fimg[hpass] + row * width, 1, width, 1 << lev);
for (col = 0; col < width; col++)
fimg[lpass][row * width + col] = temp[col] * 0.25;
if (b != 0)
gimp_progress_update (a + b * (lev + 0.25) / 5.0);
for (col = 0; col < width; col++)
hat_transform (temp, fimg[lpass] + col, width, height, 1 << lev);
for (row = 0; row < height; row++)
fimg[lpass][row * width + col] = temp[row] * 0.25;
if (b != 0)
gimp_progress_update (a + b * (lev + 0.5) / 5.0);
thold =
5.0 / (1 << 6) * exp (-2.6 * sqrt (lev + 1)) * 0.8002 / exp (-2.6);
/* initialize stdev values for all intensities */
stdev[0] = stdev[1] = stdev[2] = stdev[3] = stdev[4] = 0.0;
samples[0] = samples[1] = samples[2] = samples[3] = samples[4] = 0;
/* calculate stdevs for all intensities */
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
fimg[hpass][i] -= fimg[lpass][i];
if (fimg[hpass][i] < thold && fimg[hpass][i] > -thold)
if (fimg[lpass][i] > 0.8) {
stdev[4] += fimg[hpass][i] * fimg[hpass][i];
} else if (fimg[lpass][i] > 0.6) {
stdev[3] += fimg[hpass][i] * fimg[hpass][i];
} else if (fimg[lpass][i] > 0.4) {
stdev[2] += fimg[hpass][i] * fimg[hpass][i];
} else if (fimg[lpass][i] > 0.2) {
stdev[1] += fimg[hpass][i] * fimg[hpass][i];
} else {
stdev[0] += fimg[hpass][i] * fimg[hpass][i];
stdev[0] = sqrt (stdev[0] / (samples[0] + 1));
stdev[1] = sqrt (stdev[1] / (samples[1] + 1));
stdev[2] = sqrt (stdev[2] / (samples[2] + 1));
stdev[3] = sqrt (stdev[3] / (samples[3] + 1));
stdev[4] = sqrt (stdev[4] / (samples[4] + 1));
if (b != 0)
gimp_progress_update (a + b * (lev + 0.75) / 5.0);
/* do thresholding */
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (fimg[lpass][i] > 0.8) {
thold = threshold * stdev[4];
} else if (fimg[lpass][i] > 0.6) {
thold = threshold * stdev[3];
} else if (fimg[lpass][i] > 0.4) {
thold = threshold * stdev[2];
} else if (fimg[lpass][i] > 0.2) {
thold = threshold * stdev[1];
} else {
thold = threshold * stdev[0];
if (fimg[hpass][i] < -thold)
fimg[hpass][i] += thold - thold * low;
else if (fimg[hpass][i] > thold)
fimg[hpass][i] -= thold - thold * low;
fimg[hpass][i] *= low;
if (hpass)
fimg[0][i] += fimg[hpass][i];
hpass = lpass;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
fimg[0][i] = fimg[0][i] + fimg[lpass][i];
/* FIXME: replace by GIMP functions */
free (temp);
Code of UFRaw by Udi Fuchs, which itself bases on the code by Dave Coffin
Why are wavelets key to do that? How are the pixels calculated?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!