I came across this example of how to decode a BPSK stream using a microcontroller. In my microcontroller of choice, (STM32) I have available a fast ADC and know the carrier frequency. Can someone point to a simple example in c or Python code that shows how to do this using multiplication and shifting functions only? It is impossible to implement certain complex scipy functions in a microcontroller. Also, since I know the carrier frequency, is it ok to shift the sampled signal by n bins to get a 90degree phase shift or is this dangerous if there are slight deviations between the crystals of the transmitting and receiving ends?
$\begingroup$ Where does it use Scipy? The article mentions using the CMSIS library -- that's not Scipy, that's ARM's math library. Since it's from ARM, it's available for the STM32 as well. $\endgroup$– TimWescottCommented Apr 6 at 2:42
$\begingroup$ This specific example doesn't use Scipy but I'm actually after an example that is not computationally intensive, i.e. without floating point or trig calculations. $\endgroup$– mr_jsCommented Apr 10 at 11:12
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