there is a problem that I should specify a real-valued random process $Y[n]$ such that the autocorrelation function $R_Y[k]$ satisfies $$R_Y[0]=3+u,\ R_Y[1]=R_Y[-1]=-2+u,\ \text{and}\ R_Y[k]=u, |k|>1.$$
First subproblem is to find a feasible set of u with |u|>0. I found region $-\frac{1}{2}\leq u$.
The main problem is to specify a random process $Y[n]$.
Considering that $R_Y[k]=u$ for $|k|>1$, I thought $Y[n]$ is likely to have a DC value. Besides, the autocorrelation function has unique values for k=0,1, I set $$Y[n]=a\,w[n]+b\,w[n-1]+c$$ for constant $a,b,c$ and $w[n]$ is white Gaussian noise with zero mean and variance 1, and has autocorrelation $R_w[k]=\delta[k]$. But the final results becomes $a,b$ are imaginary numbers, which cause complex-valued $Y[n]$.
Is there any way I can get a random process? The problems say a) specify a random process with the given autocorrelation function (that is, specify the stochastic generation mechanism for the process). b) Is there a unique random process with the given autocorrelation function? If the answer is no, identify possible sources of difference between the various random processes that all have this given autocorrelation function.