Having $h[n]=u_0[n]+0.8u_0[n-1]+1.6u_0[n-2]$ and $x[n]=(u_1[n]-u_1[n-3])$
The goal is to determine if the system $y[n]=h[n]*x[n]$ is linear.
I know that I would have to test it for Homogenity and Additivity in order to determine if the system is linear or not, but the actual proccess testing it is getting me confused.
My professor did it the following way:
$$h[n]*(\alpha x_1[n]+\beta x_2[n])$$
$$y[n]=h[n]*\alpha x_1[n]+h[n]*\beta x_2[n]$$
Wasn't this insufficient to prove linearity? Wouldn't we have to test it with the actual values of $x[n]$ and $h[n]$?