
Knowing that DFT of n-values real signal in 1d consists of n/2+1 different values where the second half of the spectrum is complex conjugate of the first one (Hermitian symmetry).

However in the spectrum of 2d signal that I've made in Octave I see complex conjugates in both dimensions. However the FFTW manual states that we can take a use of the symmetry in only one dimension.

What is the truth? Is Hermitian symmetry only useful in one of multidimensional transform or could it be used in other dimensions?


Ok, so since the Hermitian symmetry occurs in each of the directions then why the transformed vector in FFTW is diminished only by half (only one dimension values are stored on N/2+1 complex numbers)? Why isn't each direction diminished?


1 Answer 1


Yes, multidimensional DFT's have complex conjugate symmetry in each dimension

I think you might be misinterpreting the FFTW manual which is referring to internal storage formats.


why the transformed vector in FFTW is diminished only by half (only one dimension values are stored on N/2+1 complex numbers)? Why isn't each direction diminished?

From the FFTW manual:

The multi-dimensional transforms of FFTW [...] compute simply the separable product of the given 1d transform along each dimension of the array

So for example if you provide a 256x256 array of real numbers the result will be 256 1 dimensional DFT's. As they mention at the bottom of that documentation this is not a multi-dimensional DFT.

see http://www.fftw.org/fftw3_doc/Complex-Multi_002dDimensional-DFTs.html

  • $\begingroup$ Thanks for the answer! I have edited the question, as I still don't know if this property couldn't be used in diminishing the size of the DFT by more than half. $\endgroup$
    – Paweł J
    Commented Mar 31, 2019 at 9:59

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