I have two (black and white) images of identical size - let's say 128x128
pixels. I'm interested in expressing Im2
in terms of components of Im1
such that as opposed to specifying Im2
, I can specify some values (less than number of pixels in Im2
, otherwise what's the point) which, together with the knowledge of Im1
would allow me to construct an approximation of Im2
. Let me demonstrate by giving you my first idea (which, spoiler alert, didn't work). In pythonish pseudocode:
# Singular Value Decomposition of Im1 and Im2
U1, S1, V1 = svd(Im1)
# Function to minimise
def fit_function(S):
Im_fit = U1*diag(S)*V1
diff = Im2-Im_fit
return sqrt(mean(diff^2)) # root-mean-square difference
# Find S which fits Im_fit to Im2
Sfit = myLittleMagicSolver(fit_fun)
In other words; use singular value decomposition on Im1
and Im2
. Then find numbers other than singular values of Im1
which together with U1
and V1
matrices approximate Im2
. This way I could specify only 128 values - the main diagonal of the fitted S
This, however, does not work. My fitted images are nowhere close to their target of Im2
. My question is then, is that a problem someone has tackled already? I am not fussed about the SVD/PCA approach. I just want to be able to express Im2
in terms of Im1
My intended use is to train a neural network to recognize patterns in my particular dataset where one image is an input to the network, and multiple images are the output. This, of course, makes for a pretty hefty neural net. I, therefore, want to teach the network to recognize the components of the output images in terms of the input instead.