Please, I have a question regarding PCA and features which are extracted from a convolutional layer based on Faster R-CNN features for Instance Search
if we have a test dataset , and we extract all conv features of all images at test dataset called feat
. Then we do the following normalization and PCA to all conv features
feats = normalize(feats)
pca = PCA(512 ,whiten=True)
And then use PCA model for test dataset
# PCA MODEL - use paris for oxford data and vice versa
self.pca = pickle.load(open('_oxford.pkl', 'rb'))
And then applying PCA on the test dataset using the previous pca
print "Applying PCA"
self.db_feats = normalize(self.db_feats)
if self.pooling is 'sum':
self.db_feats = self.pca.transform(self.db_feats)
self.db_feats = normalize(self.db_feats)
What is the idea of using PCA model of another dataset to transform the features of test dataset?