I am interested in how should a listing for a program look like that will generate a sine of f=50hz, using the next arguments for any moment in time.
float phis=162*PI/180;//initial phase of signal
// generates a sinusoid of dwLength in dwData
// and maintains phis value updated
void rc(short* dwDataOut, DWORD dwLength){
float omegaf=50/(float)dwLength/PI*90/100;
DWORD dwi;
//use phis
for (dwi=0;dwi<dwLength;dwi++)
//update wave phase
The program I came up works correctly with a small marj of error only for f=50hz, because right from the start it appears with a small error in getting phis coefficient.
By applying this procedure in a program I'll make use of a cleaner signal from a sound wave, and obtain a signal that will be overlapped as antiphase signal to a more complex 50hz wave, for longer period of time, and so eliminating this harmonic. I’m interested in a more mathematical method to find the value for phis, and probably the arguments of sine function.
(is this function resulting in a true output for f=50hz? what are the errors that can be adjusted?)
multiple times and have the returned sine wave carry on from the end of the previous call, so that running the returns from many calls together is an undistorted sine wave? $\endgroup$dwDataOut
samples. Then let the program do subtractions, only for this 50hz frequency. in the future maybe i'll need it for the US powered devs where u use 60hz. $\endgroup$