According to definition of decibel it’s “logarithmic unit of measurement used to express”
So in audio we often convert linear value from range 0 to 1 to logarithmic scale for example like that:
double result = 20.0 * log10(valueInRange_0_1);
(of course we need to menage situation when valueInRange_0_1 = 0
, but leave it now, it’s not the case)
So for example for valueInRange_0_1 = 0.5
result will be about -6 and we can call it “-6 decibels”.
But the question is how we can call valueInRange_0_1 = 0.5
“0.5 OF WHAT” ?
I know in audio we can call it “0.5 gain”, or “0.5 of linear value”. But is there any general term to use as opposite to decibel?