I've got a 1D signal (position of a servo motor over time) and I've extracted 'peaks'/'key' positions picking running average "local extrema" points.
Below is are 2 plots from 2 servos and the white markers indicate key positions I'd like to interpolate between:
I've played with linear interpolation, but the motion looks robotic. I'd like to get a more natural/smoother motion and I imagine it's posible by using bezier interpolation between two key points. These two points would be the start and end point of the bezier I imagine, but I need to solve/find out the 'anchor' points as well. Since I have all the points I can get the velocities as well I imagine, but not sure how to plug them into the equation.
Any idea on how I can find the other two members of a bezier equation for easing/smooth interpolation ?
Also, since I'm new to this: is my approach ok ? Is there a simpler solution I'm missing ?