There's lots to your question, so this will only be a partial answer until we clear up some things.
Minimum Phase
A minimum phase filter is one that has all its poles and zeros inside the unit circle.
Alternatively, a minimum phase filter is one that is causal and stable and the inverse of which is also causal and stable.
So now let's partially address your first question:
Is there a relationship between a FIR filter being minimum phase/mixed phase and being causal?
By definition, a minimum phase system is causal.
To answer the second part (about mixed phase filters), we need to understand what causality is.
A filter is causal if the output does not depend on future inputs.
So now let's address the second part of your first question:
Is there a relationship between a FIR filter being minimum phase/mixed phase and being causal?
If your FIR filter can be written as:
H(z) = \sum_{p=-M}^{+N} h_p z^{p}
then $H(z)$ is causal if $N \le 0$ (i.e. there are only zero or negative powers of $z$).
Constant Phase
You make the statement:
I understand that a symmetric/non symmetric filter has a constant phase
which is completely incorrect.
The only FIR filters with constant phase are the ones where $N=0$ and $M=0$ so that $H(z) = h_0$ (i.e. a constant).
Symmetric FIR filters and anti-symmetric FIR filters can have constant group delay (and generalized linear phase).
Group Delay
The group delay of a minimum phase FIR filter will be a function of frequency, because minimum phase FIR filters cannot have constant group delay (except in the trivial case of $H(z) = h_0$ noted above.
Placement of zeros
I get filter which has zeros outside the unit circle, and impulse response which is non symmetric. I am told that this is typical of non-causal filter.
It is perfectly possible for a causal FIR filter to have zeroes outside the unit circle.
I think your real question at the bottom is about system identification, but I needed to clarify the misconceptions in your build up first.
Let me know if this makes sense, and I'll try to address the rest of your question later.