I have an FDM signal from 0 to 70 MHz. The total signal contains 4 FDM signals from (0-fs/4), (fs/4-fs/2), (fs/2-3fs/4) & (3fs/4-fs). fs ofcourse is the sampling frequency 70MHz. I used fvtool command in matlab to plot these signals. Then i downsampled the total signal by 4. Downsampling is time is expansion in freq spectrum. Thus on paper my new signal should occupy freq (0-fs), (fs-2fs), (2fs-3fs) & (3fs-4fs) When i plot this downsampled signal using fvtool again, i am just able to see my 1st FDM signal ie b/w (0-fs/4) appearing in the plot. How to view the entire spectrum from (0-4fs) in fvtool.