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What are the various techniques for detecting Wallswalls in the Buildingbuildings (Architecturalarchitectural) in floor plan Imagesimages?

I have to process building floor plan images to extract Wallswalls from the structure. It is trivial in case of binary images; but the images in our case are colored, and each have different color ofcolored walls. This restricts us from using any thresholding operation as we cannot assume the Wallswalls will always be the darkest. How possibly can I come up with an algorithm that can work on all sortsorts of Imagesimages?

What are the various techniques for detecting Walls in the Building(Architectural) floor plan Images?

I have to process building floor plan images to extract Walls from the structure. It is trivial in case of binary images; but the images in our case are colored, and each have different color of walls. This restricts us from using any thresholding operation as we cannot assume the Walls will always be the darkest. How possibly can I come up with an algorithm that can work on all sort of Images?

What are the various techniques for detecting walls in buildings (architectural) in floor plan images?

I have to process building floor plan images to extract walls from the structure. It is trivial in case of binary images; but the images in our case are colored, and have different colored walls. This restricts us from using any thresholding operation as we cannot assume the walls will always be the darkest. How can I come up with an algorithm that can work on all sorts of images?

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Bumped by Community user
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What are the various techniques for detecting Walls in the Building(Architectural) floor plan Images?

I have to process building floor plan images to extract Walls from the structure. It is trivial in case of binary images; but the images in our case are colored, and each have different color of walls. This restricts us from using any thresholding operation as we cannot assume the Walls will always be the darkest. How possibly can I come up with an algorithm that can work on all sort of Images?