Young software developer / computer programmer, researcher, and web developer. My main interests lie in both analog and digital signal processing, wireless communications, and image / video processing. I spend a lot of time taking photos of things and reading.
Junior undergraduate student at Northeastern University, Class of 2018. Pursuing a major in Electrical Engineering and a minor in Physics.
- Undergraduate member of the WiNES (Wireless Networks and Embedded
Systems) Lab at Northeastern University.
- Former member of the
NSF-funded Molecular Biophysics REU as a software engineering
assistant in the Carey Lab at Princeton University & in the Řeha Lab at the Center for Nanobiology & Structural Biology, Czech National Academy of Sciences.
- Former radar systems and simulations engineering co-op at the Air Force Research Laboratory.
- Current systems and simulations engineering co-op at RKF Engineering Solutions, Inc.
Well... I guess that's all I've got to say about myself. :)