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Showing analytically that sampling exactly 1 period of a sinusoid yields a spectrum with no lobes in the DFT

To solve the roots, set: $$e^{-j(\Omega-\omega_o)M/2}\frac{\sin \bigg(\frac{M+1}{2} (\Omega - \omega_o))\bigg)}{\sin((\Omega-\omega_0)/2)} = -e^{-j(\Omega+\omega_o)M/2}\frac{\sin \bigg(\frac{M+1}{2} (\...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
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3 votes

Wavelets vs Windowed Fourier

Both transformations contain the same amount of information from the signal. But the choice of the representation makes some type of information more easily available (and other less). What are these ...
Alexandre's user avatar
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2 votes

Complex cross-correlation: conjugate first or second argument?

Since there seems to be quite a bit of discussion and previous answers, I'll add a different perspective of that from the PSD. The PSD has two definitions: \begin{align} \phi(\omega) &= \sum_{n=-\...
Baddioes's user avatar
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