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Point Pattern Recognition

I am very surprised why no-one mentioned methods of Generalized Hough Transform family. They directly solve this particular problem. Here is what I propose: Take the template and create the R-table,...
Tolga Birdal's user avatar
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3 votes

Digital Image Processing Textbook with Specific Topics

A fundamental book on image processing for electrical engineers is Jae S. Lim - Two-Dimensional Signal and Image Processing A highly recommended one, again, for electrical engineers is Anil Jain - ...
Fat32's user avatar
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2 votes

Estimates sub-pixel shift directly in phase region

I am unable to comment on your Matlab code, but eq. (14) seems straightforward to me. You have a phase difference field $\theta$ which depends on the two spatial wavenumber components $k_1$ and $k_2$,...
Tom Grydeland at Norut's user avatar
2 votes

Affine transformation without imwarp

To find coordinate or index of drew region, first you have to find the coordinate of 4 colored dots, which is easily obtained by using the transformPointsForward ...
Mohammad M's user avatar
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What does "invariant to bias and gain changes" mean?

You need to be careful when reproducing formulas! Your $i_r$, $i_w$ are actually $\bar{i_r}$, $\bar{i_w}$ in the paper and two sentences above $(4)$, it says these are their zero-mean versions, ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
2 votes

Removing dark borders in Image Stitching for Panorama

This solution has 2 parts : Outer Perimeter Inner Perimeter MATLAB script available by email on request to any of these : [email protected] [email protected] 1.- OUTER PERIMETER ...
John Bofarull Guix's user avatar
2 votes

Derivative of mutual information in EMMA algorithm for image alignment

I am not an expert on mutual information but I understand a fair bit of the mathematics here. So, I read the paper and indeed there seems some typo in the equation $(17)$. I am yet to figure that out. ...
Amey's user avatar
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1 vote

Calculating satellite position from images taken by the satellite of the earth surface

There are three approaches to this: The ISS is in a specific orbit above the Earth. You took the images on a specific date and time. You can query exactly where the ISS was at that date and time and ...
A_A's user avatar
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Whats the difference between spatial and temporal resolution?

A good 1d example of this is the foundation of the FFT algorithm in how an $N$ length DFT can be created from two $N/2$ length DFTs. If you look under the hood of this, we are increasing the ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
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Digital Image Processing Textbook with Specific Topics

This is the list I'd recommend: Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods - Digital Image Processing Great introductory book. Well written, a lot of examples. Though it is not deep in any of the fields. ...
Royi's user avatar
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Transforming Non-Uniformly Sampled Image onto Rectangular Grid

You are trying to achieve something called interpolation and this can be done in roughly one line using MATLAB. Interpolation is well explained over the web so I won't detail the functioning in this ...
Louis Lac's user avatar
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Finding the four corners of each quadrilateral shapes in an image

I though of using a corner detector like harris, but it gives me many additional corners (as the sides of the shapes are not really straight due to discretization. In that case you should keep only ...
MimSaad's user avatar
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Estimating scaling and translation between two consecutive temporal images

I feel there is no the best method to solve this, but if you do not have some specific feature point to track, I suggest using optical flow a below: compute optical flow of two frames, find the ...
MimSaad's user avatar
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How can we combine 2D image with 3D image for the same sense?

Formally speaking, you would like to extrinsically calibrate the laser scanner to the 2D image. I have taken the liberty to edit your question to reflect that. Here is how my initial approach would ...
Tolga Birdal's user avatar
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1 vote

Point Pattern Recognition

This is a good application for geometric hashing. geometric hashing wikipedia page
Geoff's user avatar
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