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3 votes

How can I track detected objects from frame to frame

Object detection is relatively a heavy task as you've notice. Detecting the object (in your case human face) in every and each frame would be cumbersome and computationally immense. Therefore, you ...
MimSaad's user avatar
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2 votes

Face Recognition: Simplistic Explanation on PCA Eigenface Algorithm

The step-to-step explanation in Eigenface seems quite clear to me. A covariance matrix is like an high-dimensional extension of the variance, which is computed by removing the average from your only ...
Laurent Duval's user avatar
1 vote

Pose Invariant Face Detection and Recognition

The path you should go is deep learning and the robustness of your model depends on the training phase and the data set used. There are many capable models which allow real time inference. You may use ...
Royi's user avatar
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1 vote

How to implement Viola-Jones algorithm in Matlab?

Somebody did it for you: Viola-Jones Face Detection for Matlab Viola Jones Object Detection and I guess you can find a few others. A nice description, in pseudo-code, can be found in An Analysis of ...
Laurent Duval's user avatar
1 vote

How does viola jones algorithm cope up with a test image size which is very different to training image sizes?

I think you are talking about multiscale object detection. It will rescale the images to different resolution and then use trained classifier over it.
Navin Prashath's user avatar
1 vote

Face Classification. Is it OK to only use geometric features?

The first approach assumes that you already have identified local features, special points on the face. This identification task is not always straightforward to perform: imagine a face with ...
Laurent Duval's user avatar
1 vote

Face Classification. Is it OK to only use geometric features?

What lies at the heart of pattern recognition and pattern classification is the selection of the correct features that is used in decisions. And the most important properties of correct features are 1-...
Fat32's user avatar
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1 vote

Summed-area table vs Integral image?

The Sum-area table (SAT) was introduced in computer graphics, and as far as I know, was popularized in computer vision and image processing under the name Integral image. Apart from a larger ...
Laurent Duval's user avatar

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