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29 votes

What sampling frequency should I use if Nyquist is not available?

HINT When you sample at below the Nyquist rate, aliasing happens. That means frequencies higher than half the sampling rate get folded back down to below half the sampling rate. Have a read about ...
Peter K.'s user avatar
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21 votes

What sampling frequency should I use if Nyquist is not available?

As correctly stated in Peter K.'s answer, this question is about aliasing. Since you can't sample at a rate that is sufficiently high to avoid aliasing - i.e., $f_s>50\textrm{ kHz}$ - you have to ...
Matt L.'s user avatar
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10 votes

What is the difference between continuous, discrete, analog and digital signal?

A signal is indeed a function. Given a signal $f(x)$, according to whether continuous or discrete for both the variable $x$ and the function $f(x)$, there are four types of combinations: (1) $\mathbf{...
lxg's user avatar
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9 votes

How do I calculate the bandwidth from a waveform?

A sinusoidal signal is represented as $$x(t) = \mathrm{cos}(\omega t) = \mathrm{cos}(2\pi f t)$$ $\omega$ is the angular frequency and $f$ is the frequency. See Frequency definition. Your signal \...
AlexTP's user avatar
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9 votes

what's the pass band ripple and stop band attenuation of a digital filter?

I hope the plot below helps answer your question. Typically I have seen the "passband ripple" and "stopband attenuation" expressed in dB as shown in the picture translating the ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
7 votes

Trying to understand the general scheme of how real-time audio signal processing works on embedded system

System acquires sound data through a microphone(Digital Mic, 16bit, 16khz) Audio can come from all kind of sources. Could be a digital microphone with a PDM interface, could be an A/D converter (...
Hilmar's user avatar
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6 votes

Average bit error and symbol energy

As explained in Maximilian Matthé's answer, the exact computation of the symbol error probability of this constellation (ITU-T V.29 modem standard) is quite complex. However, you can quite easily ...
Matt L.'s user avatar
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6 votes

Average bit error and symbol energy

The optimal decision regions are the Voronoi Regions. I dont know, if this is what you are looking after. ...
Maximilian Matthé's user avatar
6 votes

Why is CDMA not enough for wireless communication?

From an abstract viewpoint, the space $\Omega$ of all signals that are essentially band-limited to a bandwidth of $W$ Hz (say from $f_0$ Hz to $f_0+W$ Hz) and essentially time-limited to duration $T$ (...
Dilip Sarwate's user avatar
5 votes

What is IQ Data?

I and Q signal concept is relatively complex topic to explain without signal background, you first need a basic knowledge about Passband and Baseband real and complex signals. if you are familiar ...
2i3r's user avatar
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Why is CDMA not enough for wireless communication?

You're misunderstanding what CDMA, TDMA and FDMA do: CDMA doesn't increase the channel capacity in any way. It's a MA, MA = Multiple Access mechanism. In other words, it's just a way of dividing the ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
5 votes

Are there analog re-configurable filters?

can we have re-configurable analog filters? Yes. The knob you turn on your grandma's kitchen or living room radio changes the tuning of an oscillator by changing the capacitance of a component. Any ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
5 votes

Why is phase range between $-\pi$ and $+\pi$ (instead of $0$ and $2\pi$)?

It is just a convention, but it is useful in some cases. For example, the phase of the DFT of a real discrete-time signal is odd only if the angles are expressed in the range $[-\pi, \pi)$. Sometimes ...
MBaz's user avatar
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5 votes

Why is phase range between $-\pi$ and $+\pi$ (instead of $0$ and $2\pi$)?

First, when you're talking angles, in DSP pretty much all angles are $\mod 2\pi$. So $2\pi \equiv 0$. Usually it's more convenient to keep angles on the interval $\left [-\pi, \pi \right )$, because ...
TimWescott's user avatar
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4 votes

Differentiating between zero and not sending for OOK

A simple way to do it would be using a start bit like UART. When idle, don't transmit anything. When you want to transmit something, first transmit a start bit which is a '1' (ON). Then transmit a ...
GordonFreeman's user avatar
4 votes

Do integration/differentiation processes work as simple filters?

Yes, integration and differentiation can be linear filters. You can start from laplace properties that say: $ \int_{0}^{t} {x(t)dt} \longrightarrow \frac{X(s)}{s} \...
4 votes

Confusion implementing Quantization in MATLAB?

Why i am getting same quantized signal in xq2 and xq3, Very poor choice of test signal. A 10 Hz cosine wave sampled at 100 Hz has only 3 different values that keep repeating (in flipped in sign and ...
Hilmar's user avatar
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4 votes

Trying to understand the general scheme of how real-time audio signal processing works on embedded system

Buffer Management: In most embedded systems, buffer management is typically a combination of hardware and software functionalities. For a microcontroller like ARM Cortex, the Direct Memory Access (...
Jdip's user avatar
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3 votes

Bandwidth and Bit rate

Bandwidth is of course occupied by the signal itself. The modulation design of the signal determines the bandwidth. That's why pulse shaping techniques are adopted by many different kind of ...
Furkan Küçük's user avatar
3 votes

Comparison using cross correlation

A stereo audio file will have 2 channels. You will need to select each channel separately and do cross-correlation. The Xcorr function understands only real or complex vectors as input but you are ...
Perscitius's user avatar
3 votes

Why must the angle contain $\pi$ for $\cos$ be periodic?

I will reuse a former answer of mine too: Proof of complex conjugate symmetry property of DFT. It relates to how sines and cosines can be defined. One answer is: from the exponential, and thus derives ...
Laurent Duval's user avatar
3 votes

difference between GMSK (Gaussian Minimum shift keying) and GFSK (Gaussain frequency shift keying)

With GMSK, the frequency modulation index is 0.5. With GFSK, the frequency modulation index is larger than 0.5 (the signaling tones are farther apart). The receiving techniques used for GMSK as an FSK ...
Andy Walls's user avatar
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Why is cos(n/6) aperiodic?

The periodicity of a signal holds if we can show $x(n)=x(n+N)$, otherwise, the signal is nonperiodic. Simply start with $$ \begin{align} x(n+N) &= \cos( \frac{n}{6} + \frac{N}{6}) \\ &= \cos(\...
CroCo's user avatar
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3 votes

Digital Derivative

Practically calculating the derivative of a digital signal is straightforward, just convolve the signal samples with the taps of a(n approximate) derivative filter. MatLab has the functions filter() ...
Andy Walls's user avatar
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3 votes

How does cascading low pass modules affect pass band ripples?

The passband region of an equi-ripple filter is the region where its magnitude is in the interval $[1-\delta,1+\delta]$, where $\delta$ is the maximum approximation error. At the passband edge the ...
Matt L.'s user avatar
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3 votes

polyBLAMP anti-aliasing in C++

First of all, if your phasor oscillator has a step discontinuity (as opposed to a ramp one) at $\phi\bmod 1 = 0$, then you should use the four-point, fourth order polyBLEP residual, not the fifth-...
Matías Giovannini's user avatar
3 votes

What are the definitions of symbols and samples related to PCM?

Quantization and encoding are largely independent. "Symbols" is another word for "pulses", and the line encoding can also play a role in how the information is transmitted. Say you quantize one ...
MBaz's user avatar
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3 votes

When calculating SNR, is noise included in signal?

The SNR is the ratio of $S$, the power in the signal $s(t)$, and $N$, the power in the noise $n(t)$. So, $$\text{SNR}_\text{dB} = 10\log_{10}\frac{S}{N}.$$ When using RMS values, we have $S = s_\text{...
MBaz's user avatar
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3 votes

Discrete signal vs digital signal?

For most in signal processing, a digital signal (source: wikipedia) is a representation of a physical signal that is a sampled and quantized So it represents data as a finite sequence of ...
Laurent Duval's user avatar
3 votes

Why symbols have to be upsampling, if the symbol rate and sample rate is same what happen?

The baseband information-bearing signal $s(t)$ is a train of time-shifted orthogonal pulses: $$s(t) = \sum_k a_k p(t-kT),$$ where $a_k$ is the sequence of symbols and $T$ is the symbol rate. The ...
MBaz's user avatar
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