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20 votes

Is a notch filter for 50 Hz without delay possible?

You could use a 2nd order IIR notch filter as I describe in this post Transfer function of second order notch filter - That post demonstrates a 50 Hz IIR notch with 1 KHz sampling. [Update: As @...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
  • 53.8k
10 votes

Flat fading criterion of OFDM subcarrier spacing

Your mathematical derivation is correct, your $H[k]$ is the single-tap equalizer (i.e. one tap for each subcarrier, and the subcarriers do not mix with each other. That's the orthogonal in OFDM). ...
Maximilian Matthé's user avatar
10 votes

Delay a signal in time vs in frequency

Is there any trade-off in numerical precision or speed? Yes. For delays that are integer multiples of the sampling period method 1 is far superior: it's computationally efficient, it's bit-exact, it'...
Hilmar's user avatar
  • 47k
8 votes

Digital delay effect: avoiding clicks on delay time change

If you are not changing the delay length very often, and you don't want to have a Doppler effect that comes from continuously changing the delay length, then try a cross-fade. Both delay lengths ...
Olli Niemitalo's user avatar
8 votes

Is a notch filter for 50 Hz without delay possible?

This is an uncertainty principle kind of problem: there is no way to make a reliable filter with little delay that will suppress a narrow band around 50Hz since the narrowness of a criterion in ...
user47050's user avatar
7 votes

How to calculate a delay (correlation peak) between two signals with a precision smaller than the sampling period?

This is basically what @hooman suggests: fit a parabola to the three points near the peak of the sample cross-correlation of the data. Using the formula for $p$ from Julius O. Smith - Peak Detection: $...
Peter K.'s user avatar
  • 25.9k
6 votes

Is a notch filter for 50 Hz without delay possible?

I joined this community only to answer your question as I had a similar problem about 2 years ago, in ECG domain though. What I've found (unfortunately I cannot trace the source back) is a very ...
Mike's user avatar
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5 votes

How to calculate a delay (correlation peak) between two signals with a precision smaller than the sampling period?

Lagrange parabolic estimator The standard Lagrange polynomial parabolic interpolation peak finding formula from Peter's answer, $$p = \frac{1}{2} \frac{\alpha - \gamma}{\alpha - 2\beta + \gamma}$$ ...
Olli Niemitalo's user avatar
5 votes

Maximum cross-correlation coefficient value for time delay estimation

As your plot shows, the second form allows for the correlation peak to be negative. Now, what does a strong negative cross correlation mean? It means the signals are very similar, except one has a ...
Florian's user avatar
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5 votes

Is a notch filter for 50 Hz without delay possible?

I assume this a for real-time processing. Otherwise, you could simply discard the number of samples corresponding to the group delay. 1st solution - Use an IIR notch filter. You could use this ...
Ben's user avatar
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4 votes

Digital delay effect: avoiding clicks on delay time change

If you have a continuously varying delay like, for example, a chorus or flanger, you need a to implement a time varying fractional delay in addition to your regular (integer) delay line. If you only ...
Hilmar's user avatar
  • 47k
4 votes

How to calculate a delay between two signals in frequency domain?

Calculating a delay between two signals is not as simple as you described and it cannot be generalized as easily either. The case for two sinusoidal signals seems trivial, as the delay then ...
Rainer P.'s user avatar
  • 531
4 votes

How to calculate a delay (correlation peak) between two signals with a precision smaller than the sampling period?

You can fit a curve to the points around the peak of the cross-correlation obtained by xcor and find the peak of the fitted curve. Ideally, you know the cross-correlation function of your signals and ...
Hooman's user avatar
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4 votes

Digital delay effect: avoiding clicks on delay time change

The problem here is a discontinuity in the signal, which results in the click you're hearing. A possible solution is to make the delay variation as smooth as possible so that step-like discontinuities ...
Prassi's user avatar
  • 43
4 votes

What exactly is a 90 degree phase shift of a digital signal in FM demodulation appraoches?

The OP asked about a phase shift specifically but from the written details without seeing the actual demodulator implementation, I suspect he may possibly be asking how to implement the delay that is ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
  • 53.8k
4 votes

Delay in Savitzky-Golay filtering

Standard Savitzky-Golay filters are linear phase (type I) FIR filters. So they have an odd number of filter coefficients $2N+1$, and the delay equals $N$. For a good overview of Savitzky-Golay ...
Matt L.'s user avatar
  • 91.3k
4 votes

Is a notch filter for 50 Hz without delay possible?

For removing mains hum from EEG signals, you can take advantage of the fact that the noise is stable in phase and frequency, albeit not necessarily in amplitude depending on the overall electrical ...
Livius's user avatar
  • 141
4 votes

How to Reduce Phase Lag Caused by Kalman Filter

Have you considered trying a constant jerk model as opposed to a constant acceleration model? Perhaps a higher order model would capture the acceleration better. See, for instance: K. Mehrotra and P. ...
Luezoid's user avatar
  • 41
4 votes

How to Reduce Phase Lag Caused by Kalman Filter

What you're experiencing is the transient lag of the Kalman Filter. The Kalman Filter, using the Measurement and Process Noise balances between begin very adaptive to being an aggressive smoother. In ...
Royi's user avatar
  • 20.2k
4 votes

Delay a signal in time vs in frequency

At the risk of blowing my own trumpet and that of my co-author, Bob Williamson, there is also this paper which shows the equivalence of three techniques referred to in the FIR link in Ben's answer and ...
Peter K.'s user avatar
  • 25.9k
4 votes

Estimate the time delay of two signals

The issue is we are looking for likeness but the values are scaled beyond that metric. In the OP’s construct all symbols used should have equal weight toward the correlation determination; for example,...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
  • 53.8k
4 votes

Issue Understanding Time Delay of a Digital Filter

To help your intuition, consider a sinusoidal signal with frequency $\omega_0$ and some arbitrary but constant phase $\phi$: $$x[n]=A\sin(\omega_0n+\phi)\tag{1}$$ Delaying the signal $x[n]$ by $n_0$ ...
Matt L.'s user avatar
  • 91.3k
4 votes

How to reduce clicking in an audio signal with seek jumps?

Clicking noise on seek is a result of discontinuity in the audio signal. One way of reducing this noise is applying a fade-in effect for few frames post seek.
SakSath's user avatar
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4 votes

Wideband phase vs time delay beamforming correction

I am studying a 1D beamforming for wide-band signals, so that applying only phase weights to each individual antenna would steer the beam for the central frequency. For other frequencies the steering ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
3 votes

Confused with filtering linear chirp signal using band-pass filter

You are seeing the difference between "wide band FM" and "narrow band FM" in your modulated waveform. Observe your modulation index for each case and then review the sideband levels versus mod index ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
  • 53.8k
3 votes

Regarding the advantages of generalized linear phase filters

Note that with the definition of generalized linear phase $\phi(\omega)$ according to $$H(e^{j\omega})=|H(e^{j\omega})|e^{j\phi(\omega)}\tag{1}$$ and $$\phi(\omega)=\alpha\omega+\beta\tag{2}$$ the ...
Matt L.'s user avatar
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3 votes

Interpreting the cross correlation results

Yes and no. In principle, you can use the peak of your correlation function. However, it is not at 10000. The correlation function is symmetric around 0, so your peak is actually much closer to zero ...
Florian's user avatar
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3 votes

Delay a signal in time vs in frequency

As Hilmar pointed out, for delays that are integer multiples of the sampling period, method 1 is far superior. Also, Method 1 is more suitable for real-time operations as you don't need to buffer the ...
Ben's user avatar
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3 votes

Audio compressor delay/lookahead

What is typical delay times for a compressors or limiters delay/lookahead time? I don't think there is "typical": it depends a lot on the bandwidth, frequency content and what specifically ...
Hilmar's user avatar
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3 votes

Audio compressor delay/lookahead

In another life, maybe about 25 years ago, I did a few simple compressors in DSP code and I did toss in a delay on the audio, which is equivalent to a lookahead on the audio envelope. The delay was ...
robert bristow-johnson's user avatar

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