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10 votes

Relation between signal processing and control systems engineering?

I did my signal processing Ph.D. in a control systems department. My take is that signal processing is open loop; control systems close the loop. Apart from that, the mathematics behind both are very ...
Peter K.'s user avatar
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8 votes

Relation between signal processing and control systems engineering?

Both draw on Linear System Theory (a.k.a. "Signals and Systems"). So also does Communications Systems and Linear Electric Circuits, Electronic Circuits,and Distributed Networks (a.k.a. Transmission ...
robert bristow-johnson's user avatar
7 votes

In the context of transfer functions, what is the relationship between the terms "proper", "causal", and "realizable"?

Causality is a necessary condition for realizability. Stability (or, at least, marginal stability) is also important for a system to be useful in practice. For linear time-invariant (LTI) systems, ...
Matt L.'s user avatar
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6 votes

How can a system be unstable if $L(j\omega)$ is never exactly $-1$?

You cannot make conclusions about the stability of a system by only considering its transfer function evaluated on the imaginary axis $s=j\omega$. Replacing $s$ by $j\omega$ in the transfer function ...
Matt L.'s user avatar
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6 votes

What is the principle behind my voice echoing perpetually when 2 separate devices are used for playback and recording on video calls?

On each individual device, the speaker output can get subtracted from the microphone before it gets sent to other locations. This prevents others from hearing themselves through your microphone. When ...
ScienceGeyser's user avatar
6 votes

State space physical meaning

As you pointed out, there are many state-space realizations of one particular transfer function. The reason is that a transfer function only represents the input-output behavior of a system (...
Gab's user avatar
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6 votes

How accurate is the dominant poles approximation in higher order control systems?

It depends entirely on how close the less dominant poles are to the dominant poles. A simple way to understand what is happening is consider poles on the real negative axis for continuous time systems:...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
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5 votes

Why oscillations in PI control?

Integration has memory. When the error becomes zero, there is no guarantee that the integrator has reached to zero sum of the previous errors. So even when there is no error at a particular time the ...
percusse's user avatar
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5 votes

Why do these 2 methods give different solutions?

The problem is that you took the derivative of the function $$\hat{x}_u(t)=2e^{-3t}-e^{-4t}\tag{1}$$ whereas using the Laplace transform you implicitly assumed that $x_u(t)$ equals zero for $t<0$:...
Matt L.'s user avatar
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5 votes

How do I stabilize my oscillating system?

First, combine your two variable set of first order differential equations into a single variable second order one. $$ \frac{d^2y}{dt^2} = c \frac{dx}{dt} = acy + bc $$ $$ \frac{d^2y}{dt^2} - acy = ...
Cedron Dawg's user avatar
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5 votes

State space equations

Two principles here: When dealing with a differential equation, you define intermediate state variables so everything is in terms of first derivatives. This system is nonlinear, so the state-space ...
Robert L.'s user avatar
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5 votes

Relation between signal processing and control systems engineering?

There's a fairly simple distinction. Signal processing is a set of tools that can be used for control engineering. Control engineering is about making something move how you want it to move. Some of ...
Graham's user avatar
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5 votes

Layman Description of the Kalman Filter

Simple Description Imagine you're in a car that is traveling at 70MPH with cruise control. Because the cruise control isn't perfect, your actual speed might vary slightly. This imperfection is called ...
Izzo's user avatar
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5 votes

Which step response matches the system transfer function

Open loop gain at DC is -3dB or .707 and 0 degrees. We don’t know the forward gain but assuming it is the open loop gain, the closed loop gain would be $.707/(1+.707)= .4148$, matching the first plot. ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
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5 votes

Which step response matches the system transfer function

The final value of the step response is the DC gain of the closed-loop transfer function, which is generally different from the open-loop DC gain. Assuming unity gain feedback, the feed-forward ...
Matt L.'s user avatar
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5 votes

How to set parameters of the PI controller inside the PLL?

Two suggestions to move forward: Reduce $K_i$ to the point of an acceptable overshoot (this will provide the bottom line answer for comparison to the computations. Do system identification (Bode ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
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5 votes

How do you design using bode plots?

The Bode Plot is typically used to display the open loop magnitude and phase response, for which we can assess stability in many cases (not all). The stability criteria that the phase is less than -...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
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5 votes

Intuition for $\mathbf{P} = \mathbf{0}$ in steady-state when $\mathbf{Q} = \mathbf{0}$ (Kalman filter)

We each have different life experiences to fuel our intuition, but try this one out: Let $\mathbf A = 1$ and $\mathbf Q = 0$, and $\mathbf C = 1$ -- i.e., the actual state variable just doesn't change,...
TimWescott's user avatar
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4 votes

When can the $\mathcal Z$-transform be inverted? When not?

If I understand your question correctly then you're asking under which conditions the inverse $\mathcal{Z}$-transform of a given function $F(z)$ exists. Since the inverse $\mathcal{Z}$-transform is ...
Matt L.'s user avatar
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4 votes

Why oscillations in PI control?

For symplicity, consider the SISO linear system \begin{align*} \dot x &= ax +bu\\ y &= cx \end{align*} with $x$,$u$ and $y$ taking values in $\mathbb R$. Assume that you want to stabilize the ...
LJSilver's user avatar
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Mathematically speaking, is a "signal" a function or the set of outputs from a function

A signal is a physical quantity (e.g. voltage) carrying information, or a set of values (e.g. samples in discrete case) of the given function for different values of the underlying independent ...
Gilles's user avatar
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4 votes

What is the difference between a lag compensation and PI control?

Well, the two systems differ only at low frequencies. In fact, if you define $$ R_L = \dfrac{\tau_zs+1}{\tau_ps+1},\qquad R_I = \dfrac{\tau_zs+1}{\tau_ps} $$ you have that $R_I(j\omega)\underset{\...
LJSilver's user avatar
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4 votes

Step response of a differentiating system

If your system is an ideal differentiator with input-output relation $$y(t)=\frac{dx(t)}{dt}\tag{1}$$ then its transfer function is $$H(s)=\frac{Y(s)}{X(s)}=s\tag{2}$$ From the equation in your ...
Matt L.'s user avatar
  • 91.4k
4 votes

Discrete State Space Model - Why Are We Calculating $ x \left[ k + 1 \right] $ Instead of $ \dot{\boldsymbol{x}} \left( t \right) $?

I will ask you something that will give you intuition. How would you calculate the Gradient of an image? Image is a discretization of reality, so how would you estimate the gradient of the "Reality" ...
Royi's user avatar
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4 votes

Discrete State Space Model - Why Are We Calculating $ x \left[ k + 1 \right] $ Instead of $ \dot{\boldsymbol{x}} \left( t \right) $?

Hi: I've been wondering about the same exact thing myself and the light bulb finally turned on a few days ago when I went back to Kalman's 1960 paper. ( I've read it many times but not recently ). ...
mark leeds's user avatar
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Layman Description of the Kalman Filter

KF is actually a mixture of a deterministic state propagator and a statistical estimator. Despite it's name including the term filter, Kalman filter is not a simple frequency selective one. It's ...
Fat32's user avatar
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4 votes

Stabilizing the inverse transform of a system

Like you mentionned, you cannot cancel a right-half-plane zero (or a zero outside the unit circle) by placing a pole on it. A unstable pole in your compensator will make the command of your controller ...
Ben's user avatar
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How do I get a faster system response?

The transfer function is $H(s) = \frac{16.94s + 579.5}{s^2 + 507.2s + 1224}$ This transfer function has 2 poles, one slow pole at -2.4248 and a fast pole at -504.7752. The function has a slowish zero ...
Ben's user avatar
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4 votes

Designing a Transfer Function with given requirements

Since the Asymptotes of the Root Locus tends to infinity through angles $(2r-1)\pi/n, r=1..n$, with $n+z$ poles and $z$ zeros, independently if they lie or not at the LHP, if you place the zeros ...
Brethlosze's user avatar
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