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In signal processing, a filter is a device or process that transforms a signal by selectively choosing specific frequencies and leaving others with appropriate gain or as it is.

1 vote

Parameters of standard audio channel filters

Your question is not very specific, nor the answer will be. For example what do you mean by 'standard filter parameters'? I assume that you want to make given speech signals sound like ones being reco …
jojeck's user avatar
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5 votes

Shelving and Peak filters name

This is probably the craziest, though important question on DSP SE ;) Answer is, because they: look like peak: and tend to have a shelf either in the beginning or the end of frequency range: …
jojeck's user avatar
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2 votes

Help for baseline drift removal/correction

Like I already mentioned in the comment, you might find MATLAB's detrend function useful. Generally it is useful for removal of linear (or piecewise linear) trend: y = detrend(x); Another solution, …
jojeck's user avatar
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2 votes

How to interpret the notation of a transfer function

There is a very nice relation between trigonometric functions and exponential function: $$e^{i \theta} = \cos(\theta) + i \sin(\theta)$$ $$\cos(\theta) = \dfrac{e^{i\theta}+e^{-i\theta}}{2} $$ $$\s …
jojeck's user avatar
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3 votes

How to implement a filter in matlab

You have a typo in: result(i) = ( b(2)/a(1)) * audio(i); That should be: result(i) = ( b(1)/a(1)) * audio(i);
jojeck's user avatar
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4 votes

The reasons for filter explosion

Basically you never want to use the Transfer Function representation (with b and a) and rather use the Zeros-Poles-Gain (z,p,k). This will allow you to avoid the numerical errors. In your case you mig …
jojeck's user avatar
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3 votes

Reconstruct FIR frequency response from the coefficients

You can try to window the filter with some window function, i.e. Gaussian, to get rid of small coefficients (taper them). Although it won't really work very well and you might really want to think abo …
jojeck's user avatar
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3 votes

FFT filter to remove cd scratch

This approach with notch filter with not work. All clicks are impulse-like sounds and we know that an impulse has frequency content at almost every frequency. What you are trying to do, by applying th …
jojeck's user avatar
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4 votes

Don't understand coefficients in MATLAB "butter" low pass result

In case of non-recursive filters (FIR) you use only coefficients stored in b vector. … I suggest you to set a to 1 if you use non-recursive FIR filters. …
jojeck's user avatar
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19 votes

What kind of filter is that? Is it IIR?

This is the FIR filter, although it looks like an IIR. If you calculate the coefficients you get finite impulse response: $h[n]=\delta[n]$ This happens due to zero-pole cancellation: $Y(z)-0.5Y(z)z^{- …
jojeck's user avatar
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0 votes

Mixed time/frequency domain data

I believe that if you are already using measurements with sweep sine, then the whole procedure of obtaining frequency response is pretty straightforward. Let me describe whole procedure from the begin …
jojeck's user avatar
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2 votes

Applying Discrete Filters

Assuming that you have knowledge of DSP you claim, it is a very simple task. First of all convert the difference block into proper filter representation (negative powers of $z$ reflect delay of samp …
jojeck's user avatar
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6 votes

Why Butterworth filter always starts my signal from from zero mark (amplitude)?

Filters do have a delay (a lag) since they do not act immediately on your signal. …
jojeck's user avatar
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2 votes

Matlab - Creating a characteristic for Peak and Shelving filter

I suggest you to use fvtool in MATLAB: fvtool(b,a)
jojeck's user avatar
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3 votes

Using all-pole filter to model the Room Impulse Response

The same author, concludes that all-pole filters are easier to manipulate than all-zero filters, due to their filter length. … Morevover, author mentioned that all-pole filters are sufficient approximation than using raw impulse response data. …
jojeck's user avatar
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