Given that the max amplitude of the normalized cosine is known (-1 to 1) and given that the additively constructed triwave contains cosines with weighted max amplitudes appearing at the same time such as...
$$ \frac{1}{1 \cdot 1}, \frac{1}{5 \cdot 5}, \frac{1}{9 \cdot 9}, \frac{1}{13 \cdot 13}, \frac{1}{17 \cdot 17}, \frac{1}{21 \cdot 21}, \frac{1}{25 \cdot 25}, \ldots $$
You could think that the amplitude of the sum should only reach around $\sim 1.068$ and $0.81$ for correction is like $3$ times more.
But as it seems the inverted/phaseshifted-for-$\pi$ partials did also count in because if you include the third and the fifth partials in this game you end up with a max amplitude of $\sim 1.22$ - which is about the inverse of $8 \pi^{2}$, or $ \sim 0.82$.
so in other words, one can explain that using simple arithmetics already.