The easiest and robust solution would be to low pass filter with a post-processed "Zero-phase" filter, the result of this will be time aligned with the input waveform and provide an averaged value over an observation interval. The OP mentioned Python tools as a preference, and this is done simply with `scipy.signal.filtfilt` for coefficients that can be designed using `scipy.signal.firls` or simply a moving average over $N$ samples by using all ones for the coefficients. `filtfilt` will process the signal over the filter twice, so the result if a simply moving average is done would actually be equivalent to a triangular weighted average. Ultimately I recommend considering the bandwidth of the signal modulating the PWM, and design a least squares filter (using `firls`) sufficient to pass this bandwidth and then rejection reasonably beyond that. As mentioned above, the processing with `filtfilt` will pass the signal through this filter twice (in the forward and reverse direction, hence cancelling out the linear phase and resulting in a time aligned "zero-phase" result). Another approach is to just subtract out the delay of a standard linear-phase FIR filter since the delay for a linear-phase FIR with $N$ coefficients is simply $(N-1)/2$ samples, but I find using `filtfilt` simple and straightforward for this purpose. Below is a simple demonstration of this using a 30 sample moving average: smooth = sig.filtfilt(np.ones(30),30, pwm) [![result][1]][1] [1]: