I am trying to run a convolution on some data that was originally calculated from a deconvolution (so the reverse). However I'm not getting the expected graph.
Blue is expected, pink is what I get from the convolution, and obviously they don't match.
- Am I using the biexponential formula correctly? I think so because it matches the book for the two slopes being graphed.
- The ISR was calculated from a deconvolution of the Insulin concentration then running a convolution on ISR should give the Insulin concentration, correct? I believe this is correct because "Computing the inverse of the convolution operation is known as deconvolution." from
- Am I using the convolution function correctly? I assume not. Is this an issue of the 'window' of the function, trying to apply it over the full set of Y vs applying it to say 5 minutes of the ISR data at a time?
I have the following data that I extracted from a paper's ( graph (using
The data is:
- Insulin concentration in mU/ml which was gathered experimentally.
- Insulin secretion rate (ISR) in mU/ml/min which was calculated from the first data.
Graph from
The ISR was calculated according to the paper,
A deconvolution method based on a biexponential disappearance rate of insulin, assuming half-lives for insulin of 2.8 and 5 min with a fractional slow component of 28% (19)
So because the ISR was calculated from a deconvolution then running a convolution on ISR should give the Insulin concentration, correct?
Using it seems the formula is (other sources back this up 1, 2, 3, and page 40 formula 4 and 5)
$$ y=ae^{-bt} + ce^{-dt} $$
so I insert the specific values the paper mentions (I'm not 100% on what "fractional slow component" is).
Note: First 0.28 is the fractional slow component and the second is 2.8 minutes.
$$ y=72\%e^{-5.0t} + 28\%e^{-2.8t} $$
$$ y=0.72e^{-5.0t} + 0.28e^{-2.8t} $$
Putting it together
First I wanted to make sure I have the formula understood. So I graphed it on a semi-logy plot.
This is based off of Figure 6-9 on page 78 Concepts in Clinical Pharmacokinetics by By Joseph T. DiPiro
So it seems I have the correct formula I think
Running the convolution
I get the following three graphs, first is a picture of the original. Second is the ISR data extracted from the graph, and finally I have the original insulin concentration in blue and the convolution calculation in pink... and things don't look right.
Pink is calculated using Python (NumPy)
def biExp(x, a, b, c, d):
return (a * np.exp(-b * x)) + (c * np.exp(-d * x))
ax[2].plot(x, np.convolve(y, biExp(y, 0.72, 5.0, 0.28, 2.8), mode = "same"), color = "pink")
Full Code
import numpy as np
import pandas
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy
from scipy.interpolate import splrep, splev
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import urllib.request
# set matplotlib display properties
import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 2
font = {'family' : 'normal',
'weight' : 'bold',
'size' : 22}
mpl.rc('font', **font)
# data from figure 2
#data_ins = pandas.read_csv("Insulin.dat", header = None, delimiter = '\t')
#data_isr = pandas.read_csv("ISR.dat", header = None, delimiter = '\t')
insulin_json = '{"0":{"0":4.143,"1":13.954,"2":23.984,"3":34.014,"4":44.044,"5":54.073,"6":64.103,"7":74.133,"8":83.944,"9":93.974,"10":104.004,"11":113.816,"12":123.845,"13":133.875,"14":144.123,"15":153.935,"16":163.964,"17":173.994,"18":184.024,"19":194.054,"20":203.865,"21":213.895},"1":{"0":12.821,"1":12.919,"2":3.649,"3":1.381,"4":1.381,"5":4.635,"6":24.951,"7":37.081,"8":29.586,"9":27.219,"10":15.878,"11":8.481,"12":18.639,"13":24.26,"14":12.032,"15":12.426,"16":15.582,"17":23.57,"18":16.765,"19":9.172,"20":5.03,"21":8.383}}'
isr_json = '{"0":{"0":1.746,"1":3.71,"2":5.675,"3":7.639,"4":9.821,"5":11.786,"6":13.968,"7":15.714,"8":17.897,"9":19.861,"10":21.825,"11":23.79,"12":25.754,"13":27.718,"14":29.683,"15":31.865,"16":33.829,"17":35.794,"18":37.758,"19":39.722,"20":41.687,"21":43.651,"22":45.833,"23":47.798,"24":49.98,"25":51.726,"26":53.909,"27":55.873,"28":57.837,"29":59.802,"30":61.766,"31":63.73,"32":65.913,"33":67.877,"34":69.841,"35":71.806,"36":73.77,"37":75.734,"38":77.698,"39":79.772,"40":81.627,"41":83.81,"42":85.774,"43":87.738,"44":89.921,"45":91.885,"46":93.849,"47":95.813,"48":97.778,"49":99.742,"50":101.706,"51":103.671,"52":105.853,"53":107.817,"54":109.673,"55":111.746,"56":113.71,"57":115.893,"58":117.639,"59":119.603,"60":121.786,"61":123.75,"62":125.714,"63":127.897,"64":129.861,"65":131.935,"66":133.899,"67":135.972,"68":137.718,"69":139.683,"70":141.647,"71":143.611,"72":145.903,"73":147.758,"74":149.94,"75":151.905,"76":153.651,"77":155.615,"78":157.798,"79":159.762,"80":161.726,"81":163.909,"82":165.873,"83":167.837,"84":169.802,"85":171.984,"86":173.948,"87":175.913,"88":177.877,"89":179.841,"90":181.806,"91":183.988,"92":185.952,"93":187.917,"94":189.772,"95":191.845,"96":193.81,"97":195.992,"98":197.956,"99":199.921,"100":201.885,"101":204.067,"102":206.032,"103":207.887,"104":209.96,"105":212.143,"106":214.107,"107":215.853,"108":218.036,"109":220.0},"1":{"0":1.68,"1":2.651,"2":2.533,"3":2.84,"4":2.959,"5":2.036,"6":1.491,"7":2.58,"8":0.757,"9":0.828,"10":0.379,"11":1.964,"12":1.254,"13":0.331,"14":1.112,"15":0.97,"16":1.302,"17":0.663,"18":1.68,"19":0.734,"20":0.237,"21":1.42,"22":2.746,"23":1.349,"24":0.355,"25":1.42,"26":1.893,"27":1.302,"28":2.331,"29":2.036,"30":2.864,"31":2.012,"32":11.811,"33":4.166,"34":2.438,"35":2.935,"36":5.87,"37":5.278,"38":5.515,"39":2.97,"40":2.13,"41":1.538,"42":1.325,"43":5.751,"44":5.728,"45":2.462,"46":3.243,"47":1.657,"48":3.598,"49":1.112,"50":1.491,"51":1.112,"52":2.651,"53":3.243,"54":0.734,"55":0.521,"56":0.781,"57":3.479,"58":0.805,"59":0.805,"60":5.065,"61":5.254,"62":1.325,"63":3.148,"64":1.728,"65":5.479,"66":1.882,"67":4.923,"68":1.586,"69":3.053,"70":0.592,"71":0.45,"72":2.391,"73":1.018,"74":1.207,"75":2.331,"76":2.982,"77":1.373,"78":3.574,"79":1.538,"80":2.225,"81":3.74,"82":1.799,"83":2.84,"84":1.633,"85":7.669,"86":2.036,"87":1.562,"88":1.728,"89":4.639,"90":1.041,"91":1.716,"92":2.769,"93":0.852,"94":3.574,"95":0.734,"96":0.568,"97":2.746,"98":0.663,"99":0.805,"100":1.444,"101":0.71,"102":2.225,"103":0.876,"104":2.201,"105":2.296,"106":1.988,"107":0.615,"108":2.367,"109":2.947}}'
data_ins = pandas.read_json(insulin_json)
data_isr = pandas.read_json(isr_json)
def main():
# function of a biexponential decay
# "This type of behavior is observed, for example, in the radioactive decay
# of a mixture of two nuclides with different half-lives, one short
# lived and the other relatively longer-lived."
# y=ae^(-bt) +ce^(-dt)
# A short introduction to pharmacokinetics
def biExp(x, a, b, c, d):
return (a * np.exp(-b * x)) + (c * np.exp(-d * x))
# 2.8 and 5.0 minutes and 0.28 percent from #
# Ultradian Oscillations of Insulin Secretion in Humans #
# -------------------------------------------------------------#
# "A deconvolution method based on a biexponential #
# disappearance rate of insulin, assuming half-lives #
# for insulin of 2.8 and 5 min with a #
# fractional slow component of 28% (19)" #
# ref 19 is #
# #
# -------------------------------------------------------------#
# Direct measurement of pulsatile insulin secretion from #
# the portal vein in human subjects #
# -------------------------------------------------------------#
# "a biexponential insulin disappearance model in the #
# systemic circulation, consisting of earlier directly #
# estimated half-lives of 2.8 and 5.0 min and a #
# fractional slow component of 0.28 in healthy fasting humans" #
# (ref 19 above) #
# -------------------------------------------------------------#
# In humans at least 75% of insulin secretion arises from #
# punctuated insulin secretory bursts #
# -------------------------------------------------------------#
# "insulin kinetics of 2.8 min (first half-life), #
# 5.0 min (second half-life), and #
# a fractional slow component of 0.28" #
# #
# -------------------------------------------------------------#
a = 1 - 0.28 # I assume from graphpad link that speaks of percent
b = 2.8 # 2.8 minutes
c = 0.28 # fractional slow component of 0.28?
d = 5.0 # 5.0 minutes
# See if the exponential function looks correct compared to
# Concepts in Clinical Pharmacokinetics
# By Joseph T. DiPiro
# Page 78 Figure 6-9
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(14,10))
ax.title.set_text("Both components in blue, and lines showing each constituent slope")
ax.yaxis.set_label_text("Insulin (mU/ml) or ISR (mU/ml/min)")
ax.xaxis.set_label_text("Time (minutes)")
# only graph the slow part (second)
ax.plot (np.linspace(-10, 10), biExp(np.linspace(-10, 10), 0 , 5.0, 0.28, 2.8),
marker = '_', color = 'orange')
# only graph the fast part (first)
ax.plot (np.linspace(-10, 10), biExp(np.linspace(-10, 10), 0.72 ,5.0, 0, 2.8),
marker = '_', color = 'green')
# graph both
ax.scatter(np.linspace(-10, 10), biExp(np.linspace(-10, 10), 0.72 ,5.0, 0.28, 2.8),
marker = 'x', color = 'blue')
# now calculate the actual convolution
fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, figsize=(14,34))
# create a file-like object from the url
f = urllib.request.urlopen("")
# read the image file in a numpy array
a = plt.imread(f, format='jpg')
ax[0].imshow(a, cmap='gray')
# display ISR which was calculated orginally from the deconvolution
# of measured Insulin Concentration
ax[1].title.set_text("Insulin Secretion Rate")
ax[1].yaxis.set_label_text("ISR (mU/ml/min)")
ax[1].xaxis.set_label_text("Time (minutes)")
ax[1].plot(data_isr.iloc[:,0], data_isr.iloc[:,1])
# display non convolution version
# (needs some smoothing)
ax[2].title.set_text("Insulin Content")
ax[2].yaxis.set_label_text("INSULIN (mU/ml)")
ax[2].xaxis.set_label_text("Time (minutes)")
ax[2].plot(data_ins.iloc[:, 0], data_ins.iloc[:, 1])
# convolution of ISR
ax[2].plot(data_isr.iloc[:,0], np.convolve(data_isr.iloc[:,1],
biExp(data_isr.iloc[:,1], 0.72, 5.0, 0.28, 2.8), mode = "same"), # bi exponential function
color = "pink")
if __name__ == "__main__":