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Filter to speed up convergence of geometric series

I want to speed up convergence of geometric series $\ \ lim + c^n \ \ $ where $|c| < 1$ and $lim$ is not known. A basic low-pass filter, here Butterworth, is good for $-1 < c < 0$ but not $0 ...
denis's user avatar
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Why Normalized Cross Correlation Score of different templates is high?

I am using OpenCv's built in template matching function to search for an object in image. I am using Normalized Cross Correlation Method.The function is returning a value which I think indication of ...
Muhammet Ali Asan's user avatar
4 votes
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Is it possible to design noncausal filters in Matlab?

I'm trying to design a lowpass IIR filter with 5Hz cutoff frequency (sample frequency is 200Hz). i know how to create it with fdatool, or with functions such as 'butter' or 'ellip'. However, i think ...
lorenzo0820's user avatar
3 votes
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When calculating the Nyquist frequency should carrier frequency be included

This isn't my field, so please forgive any misnomers on my part. I'm looking into buying a amateur radio receiver, and I'm thinking about what sampling rate I need. I'm most interested in satellite ...
FraserOfSmeg's user avatar
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BandPass and StopBand FIR filters (Hamming) is not working

I have two groups of 3 frequencies of tone (music), First Group Tones: 39 (77.7817 Hz), 40 (82.4069 Hz) and 41 (87.3070 Hz). Second Group ...
joseluisbz's user avatar
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Pesq numbers and clean speech comparison to processed speech

I am trying to evaluate my processed speech for my DSP project. My project is an implementation of an MMSE algorithm proposed by Y.Ephraim and D. Malah, "Speech Enhancement Using a Minimum Mean Square ...
Mona's user avatar
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3 votes
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Are Convolution and Deconvolution Kernels the Same?

I need to clarify this and rather confused by this. Lets say: $x = h * g$ $x$ - measured data $h$ - raw data $g$ - instrument response function (convolution kernel) So lets say I ...
ngzongyi's user avatar
2 votes
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Can I take piecewise FFT of a larger input sample?

I have a N point sequence x. Let X be the fft(x). (Assume x is arbitrary) where, x=[x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8] fft(x)=[X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8] How do I get the ...
swallowroot's user avatar
2 votes
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Why oversample data before using raised cosine filter?

In the process of creating a baseband signal, the complex symbols are filtered using a raised cosine filter to perform pulse shaping (I'm following some literature as a guide). The pulse shaping is ...
bruno617's user avatar
7 votes
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Analytical Expression for Convolution of Two 2D DFTs

I am trying to do an image analysis problem on some images, and I want to calculate some things in the frequency domain which are giving me problems. Say I have an (discrete) image $I(x,y)$ of size $...
A. Kennard's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to find the output signal of a filter using state space matrices?

I have a filter. It has two poles and two zeros. I found the state space equations and the matrices A, B, C, and D Now. I have 9 samples that I need to process with my filter. How do I use A,B,C,D ...
HappyBee's user avatar
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Calculating Savitsky-Golay filter coefficients - normalization

Using the matrix equations found on Wikipedia I wrote some Python code to compute the Savitsky-Golay coefficients for $m$ data-points, using a polynomial of degree $k$. Here it is: ...
nastybyte's user avatar
1 vote
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Sub pixel shift causes weird results

I am trying to shift an image on a subpixel level, with the method described here:
317070's user avatar
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FIR filter design with frequency sampling method - setting proper phase response for IDFT

I'd like to implement freuqency sampling method for linear phase FIR filter design using IDFT transform. My procedure goes like this : determine desired magnitude response value in frequency points ...
user2064070's user avatar
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Phase Estimation in speech enhancement

I am reading a recent paper titled "Phase Estimation of Speech Enhancement - unimportant, important, or impossible?" by Grekmann et al. published in the 2012 the IEEE convention. The paper proposes an ...
Mona's user avatar
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Choosing the frequency for a comb filter

I have an audio sample. From doing FFT on it it looks as if I need to use a comb filter to remove resonant frequencies. This is what I generate: I honestly have no clue where to start unfortunately.
CircularRecursion's user avatar
1 vote
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Frequency of a noisy signal with fixed width pulses

My electricity meter has a front panel LED which pulses in proportional to the current energy rate. The frequency changes but the pulse width is set at 250ms. Due to environmental conditions there's ...
Brownstone's user avatar
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Why does FFT generate a jaggedy signal

I have an application that fills a buffer from my computer's microphone and does an FFT. My objective is to figure out what frequencies are in the sample. I've tested the application by whistling as ...
JSideris's user avatar
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12 votes
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Converting raw I/Q to dB

I am getting I/Q data from a software-defined radio. I want to do some stuff on signals in the data, but only if it exceeds a certain range. What is the general procedure to get dB (dBm, or anything)...
Ken - Enough about Monica's user avatar
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Adaptive Line noise removal using IIR notch filters

I'm trying to filter out line noise(60Hz and 120Hz) from a EEG signals received over a bluetooth link. I'm proposing to use a IIR notch filter to filter out the line-noise which varies w.r.t to ...
Naveen's user avatar
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Effects of DC offset on a signal

What are some of the reasons why DC offset is considered undesirable for a timeseries signal other than wastage of power during transmission ? Specifically, How does it cause spectral leakage and out ...
Naveen's user avatar
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convolution matrix for image scaling

Is there any way how to compute convolution matrix for Nearest Neighbor (bicubic, bilinear) image scaling (upscale/downscale)?
thomas's user avatar
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The Nyquist-Theorm behind the fft

I saw a code in Python in the ( and found this: First question: Is it right that T = 1/800 <==> fs = 800 Hz fulfill ...
Kopio's user avatar
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Need help to understanding concept of particle filter

I get confuse with the basic theory of particle filter for tracking single object.. What I want to ask is: In some paper, they explained about velocity in state vector.. Are we randomly put number ...
user3794938's user avatar
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Quadrature subsampling result not as expected

Let's suppose I have an ADC running at 81.824MHz. I am quadrature subsampling a signal that is at 143.5MHz using a sampling rate of 81.824MHz/4 = 20.456MHz = Fs. I expect the signal to appear at ...
sizzle's user avatar
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Shape recognition, hough transform

I'm trying to match a picture saying "this is ducks, this is towers" by giving votes from the hough transform of a picture. I've found this article
Rafael Ruiz Muñoz's user avatar
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Implementing overlap add method for convolution with a slice of the filter

In overlap add method for convolution a filter $x$ of length $M$ will get convolved with a signal $y$ of length $N$ where $M << N$, i.e., $z = x * y $. Here the signal $y$ is sliced into ...
Vinod's user avatar
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'A priori' and 'a posteriori' SNR

I am reading this paper about speech enhancement using a minimum mean square error short time spectral amplitude estimator for our speech enhancement project. Basically in the paper they mix a clean ...
D.Zou's user avatar
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3 answers

how to make CIC compensation filter

I gotta wrap my head around to design CIC compensation filter I'm studying by referring these materials: Altera, "Understanding CIC compensation filters Hardware Efficient FIR Compensation Filter ...
Kyungho Chu's user avatar
2 votes
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Implications of $X( -j\omega ) = X^*(j\omega)$

What are the implications of: If $x(t)$ is real and $x(-t) = x^*(t)$, then $X(-j\omega) = X^*(j\omega)$ and $X(j\omega)$ is real. I am trying to understand it and I would like to research it ...
aralar's user avatar
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Get data ready for IFFT

I am having troubles applying the IFFT function to some data I have. I already had a look here Complex conjugate and IFFT and here What assumptions should be used to invert spectrum into time domain ...
Rhei's user avatar
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5 votes
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Mel filter in MFCC - is it necessary?

Is it necessary to use filter bank in MFCC process? Can anyone explain what is the Mel filter? I know that frequency in hertz is converted into Mel scale but is this formula can be directly applied ...
purple's user avatar
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Changing the cutoff of an IIR lowpass filter with minimal transients?

I have a 1st order lowpass IIR filter of the form $ H(z) = \frac{b_{0} +b_{1} z^{-1}}{1+a_{1} z^{-1}} $ implemented using the direct method my code looks something like this ...
Darren Lanigan's user avatar
20 votes
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Cepstral Mean Normalization

Can anyone please explain about Cepstral Mean Normalization, how the equivalence property of convolution affect this? Is it must to do CMN in MFCC Based Speaker Recognition? Why the property of ...
mun's user avatar
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Evaluation of incremental sensor

Evaluating a volume flow incremental sensor does not deliver expected results. The pump of which the volume flow is to be measured has a hand-calculated flow rate of $$Q = \dfrac{n}{ 60 \;\mathrm{s/...
user2366975's user avatar
-1 votes
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Fourier series qn determine the fourier series coefficients

Can someone please help me with this Fourier series question: Determine the Fourier series coefficients of $x(t)$ given as $x(t) = > \cos4t +\sin8t+3$?
Rob's user avatar
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For a standard second order transfer function, what is the equivalent time domain significance of $\zeta>0.707$?

In frequency domain $\zeta>0.707$ implies no resonant peak in frequency response. But I am unable to correlate what is the exact time domain effect of this? If $\zeta=0.707$ acts like an '...
Dynamic_equilibrium's user avatar
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Weak sense stationarity sufficient for multitaper spectrum analysis?

This is a general question on multitaper spectral analysis of signals and stationarity I work with time series which are non stationary. In this regard I have two questions Is weak sense ...
Barnaby's user avatar
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Why optical flow ? why not tracking

I have a question that might be stupide ! Supposing that I try to detect object moving in a video or human action. Many works are based on optical flow computation. My question is why using OF is ...
Video retrieval's user avatar
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coded filter vs fdatool : inconsistency in the results for same parameters

I tried creating a filter in 2 different ways in Matlab and I obtain different results: one filter is stable, whereas the other one is unstable. Coded filter ...
Rhei's user avatar
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Filters performance analysis

I am working on some experimental data which, at some point, need to be time-integrated and then high-pass filtered (to remove low frequency disturbancies introduced by integration and unwanted DC ...
Rhei's user avatar
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How to simulate two OFDM Users with low complexity FFT/IFFT?

have two User one of them sending over freq (0-B] and the other transmit over (B-2B]. Both of them are using OFDM and each one has Nc subcarriers. I wanted to simulate the received signal using Matlab....
Vahid's user avatar
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DCT step in MFCC process

During MFCC process FFT is done to get the power spectrum but last step is DCT in order to get back to time domain. Cannot DCT be used in the first case to convert the signal to frequency domain?
mun's user avatar
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2 votes
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Questions about Active Noise Cancellation

Being new to ANC, this is my understanding of how ANC works: Ambient noise (n) is entering a geographically small zone. To suppress the noise, an interfering (corrective) sound is injected ...
james3849's user avatar
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Expected value of coupled signals is zero

Suppose there are two vector signals, $u$ and $v$, which are functions of time. Given, $E[uv^T]=0$, what is the physical significance of this statement. For clarity, assume $u$ and $v$ are noises in a ...
user_1_1_1's user avatar
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Non Equispaced / Non Uniform DFT Bandwidth

I need to construct Fourier transform of non-equispaced data. That is, I have signal $s(t)$, $t\in[0,T]$ sampled at non-equispaced points $t_k$, $k=0...N-1$ with sample values $s_k = s(t_k)$. For ...
niyazets's user avatar
2 votes
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What is the difference between general microprocessors, DSP and FFT chips?

I know that a general purpose microprocessor requires 18 operations to perform each butterfly of the FFT, but I do not understand how does using using a DSP or FFT chip improve FFT processing? Any ...
HappyBee's user avatar
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up down sampling and low-pass filters

I am trying to figure out what seems very trivial thing about down sampling and up sampling. The problem that I am facing is how to find the effects of up sample on a signal followed by a filter and/...
Mona's user avatar
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2 votes
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Additive but not homogeneous continuous system?

I am trying to find an example of a continuous system that is homogeneous, but not additive. So far, the only example I could find was an example from this page, which describes system as $y(t) = \...
Momonga's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Extending 1D window functions to 3D (or higher)

(cross post of SO: ) For the sake of image (volume) registration, I'd like to apply a ...
msarahan's user avatar
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