Questions tagged [waveform-similarity]

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69 votes
8 answers

How do I implement cross-correlation to prove two audio files are similar?

I have to do cross correlation of two audio file to prove they are similar. I have taken the FFT of the two audio files and have their power spectrum values in separate arrays. How should I proceed ...
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8 votes
3 answers

Calculating similarity between two signal plots

I have two plots, each having frequency as x-axis and Gain as y-axis. By taking one data set as a reference I have to calculate similarity between them. The graphs have same values on the x-axis and ...
Animesh Pandey's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Reduce Signal Size to Compare Them

I have multiple experiments and each of them produce several ($k$ for example) binary signals; some artificial example next: I have a metric to compare experiment results but I need vectors of equal ...
Vladislav's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Cross-correlation peak

How get cross-correlation peak and based on it calculate correlation score for similarity of two audio samples. SO far I've FFT two samples complex conjugate second multiply results IFFT cross-...
user4947's user avatar