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When a face collapses into a swirling black hole on a video conference call like this is it due to some advanced AI-based error-correction gone wrong?

Within this newscast video1 a video conference call is shown. Between 02:23 and 02:37 the face of the interviewee appears to get ...
uhoh's user avatar
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How virtual ads work in stadiums?

I was looking at a technology which enables virtual advertisement on the perimeter ads in soccer. It's relatively an old technology for a few years back, but I'm surprised to see the quality of it. ...
Tina J's user avatar
  • 193
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Detect non rectangular bounding box for objects

I have a short video where a TV is shown. I need to detect the TV there (let's assume it's all pure black or it's covered with a green screen), and overlay a video on top of it on the same area. But ...
Tina J's user avatar
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