Questions tagged [taylor-expansion]

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3 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to use a Volterra series to generate subharmonics?

Taylor series can create harmonics of the frequencies in an input signal. I'm wondering if it is likewise possible to use Volterra series to create sub-harmonics of the frequencies in that signal. ...
Mike Battaglia's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

SIFT - Taylor Expansion

I'm trying to implement SIFT algorithm. After I found the min/max points in DOG images I need to find the real min/max subpixels by taylor exapnsion: $$ \begin{equation} D(\mathbf{x}) = D + \frac{\...
EPBRD's user avatar
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Taylor series approximation in Harris corner detection

While watching through the computer vision lecture on interest point detection, computing $E(u,v)$ requires computing the quantity $$E(u,v) = \sum_{x,y}(I(x+u,y+v) - I(x,y))^2$$ In the lecture, $I(x+u,...
calveeen's user avatar
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Taylor series expansion in mean shift tracking

I am trying to understand the first order Taylor series expansion when deriving the math behind mean shift tracking. Given the Battacharya coefficient between the target descriptor and candidate ...
calveeen's user avatar
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What are the advantages of higher order Kalman Filters like EKF, UKF?

Kalman Filter provides the optimal estimate of the states of a stochastic dynamical system if the system is linear, the measurements are also linear functions of states and the errors in system ...
user146290's user avatar
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1 answer

Best way to approximate a curve?

I have a curve like this one: I need a function to approximate this curve, but I need that the function be a low order function (less than 5). What is a good way to obtain what I expect? Thanks!
Alexander Leon VI's user avatar
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CORDIC-Taylor-DDS algorithms

DDS algorithm is really nice algorithm for creating sinus signal. It is really useful for signal resolution and use of LUT. CORDIC uses LUT and numerical methods. But I don't get high resolution ...
bb0667's user avatar
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1 answer

taylor expansion of scale space function

I see the following expression from The quadratic Taylor expansion of the Difference-of-Gaussian scale-space function, with the ...
jakeoung's user avatar
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Infeasible results in bisection algorithm for Quasi-Convex/Concave Feasibility Question

I am studying this paper and trying to repeat the programme. The codes I wrote based on the paper works well however there's a situation which makes me confuse. Sometimes the feasible will never be ...
Loco Citato's user avatar
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Approximation of Periodic Parabolic Function by Fourier Series!

I've just tried to approximate the periodic-parabolic signal by Fourier Series. I know, this sounds a bit strange. I am just trying to figure out relationship between Fourier Series and Taylor ...
LunaLOVEGOOD's user avatar