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3 answers

Identifying Instruments within a music file

Say I have a file that contains a few musical instruments, how can Identify the name of each one (ultimate goal) or at least the category they belong to, like wind instruments? For example, if I load ...
adimath's user avatar
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Covariance block of MUSIC Algorithm

I am implementing MUSIC algorithm in Verilog, and I need to implement the blocks in following order $$\text{Input signal}{\longrightarrow}\text{Co-variance/Correlation matrix}{\longrightarrow}\text{...
uzmeed's user avatar
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3 answers

Which parameters should I take care of while converting .au to .wav for Genre Classification

I am learning to develop Music Genre Classification models. I have a dataset in which files are in ".au" format, which I need to convert into ".wav". I used SoX (Sound eXchange) to convert it. With a ...
sandepp's user avatar
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Can software distinguish between different musical instruments

If possible, I would like to write a little script that can identify different musical instruments from just a recording. Apart from variations of amplitude and frequency over time (which can be ...
Roman's user avatar
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Music/Speech Classification: How are frame based features used in a feature vector?

I'm a little confused on how frame based high dimensional features such as mfcc's and bfcc's are applied in the classification of musical instruments. Are statistical measures of the features used e....
melinnde's user avatar
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2 answers

What methodology to use for discrimination of different (musical?) tones

I am trying to research and figure out how best to attack this problem. It straddles music processing, image processing, and signal processing, and so there are a myriad number of ways to look at it. ...
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