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Image processing pipeline for segmenting cell nuclei

I'm seeking a better image processing pipeline to essentially segment cell nuclei in fluorescence images. So far, I've tried a bunch of morphological operations, e.g. modifying this scikit-image ...
lanery's user avatar
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Erosion compotition rule $\left ( f \ominus g \right ) \ominus h = f \ominus \left (g \oplus h \right ) $

I want to prove that erosion of a signal by a function $g$ followed by erosion with another function $h$ is equivalent to erosion of the signal by the dilation of the two functions (Erosion property): ...
Rog Fed's user avatar
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Morphology - Why does the concept of opening and closing images exist when we already have erosion and dilation?

If we consider the closing operation of an image, we first dilate the image and then erode it. So, first we expand the foreground (white pixels) and and then we take away some part of the foreground. ...
skr's user avatar
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Algo Name: Detecting Elongated Shape in 2D Image by Convolution with Directed Lines

I am detecting a shape with roughly known orientation (obtained by using Hough line transform) in thresholded binary image by convolving the image with line with that orientation, and counting the ...
eudoxos's user avatar
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Segmentation of overlapping noisy parallelograms in a binary image

Edited. Previously this question was named "Segmentation of overlapping pulses in a binary spectrogram" and it was stated in slightly different way. I'm apologise to those users, who were affected by ...
Nikolai Popov's user avatar
2 votes
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OpenCV: Problem at creating a Skeleton of Lines

I need to get the lines from a photographie of a sheet of paper. While recherching, I came along this, where one answer referred to this blog entry. Now I am having trouble with this approach. I have ...
BlackMamba's user avatar
21 votes
3 answers

OpenCV/C++ connect nearby contours based on distance between them

I have to connect nearby contours in an image based on the distance between them which specifies if the contours are to be connected. Now there's a question already on the same problem here https://...
Roney Island's user avatar