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Questions tagged [linear-algebra]

is a branch of algebra, concerning linear nature of objects: vector or vector spaces, linear transformations, systems of linear equations, quadratic and bi-linear forms, among the main tools used in linear algebra is the determinants of the matrix pair. The theory of invariants and tensor calculus is usually considered as integral parts of linear algebra.

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Build the Laplacian Matrix of Edge Preserving Multiscale Image Decomposition based on Local Extrema

In the paper Edge Preserving Multiscale Image Decomposition based on Local Extrema (Available at DSpace@MIT - Edge Preserving Multiscale Image Decomposition based on Local Extrema or the writer page ...
Royi's user avatar
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Kalman Filter and Generalized Least Squares

I have read in many places how Kalman Filter is related to generalized least squares algorithms. But there is still a bit I found a bit counterintuitive. Kalman gain solution is ${K}_k = {{P}}_{k\mid ...
Josh Bolton's user avatar
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Computationally Efficient Implementation of Kalman Filter

I know there are many formulations of the Kalman Filter. A few I can name are: Classical Covariance Form Informational Filter Form Square-Root Form or Factor Form But somehow it's hard for me to ...
CuriousMind's user avatar
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How does camera intrinsic parameters change after undistortion

Here is my goal: I have used OpenCV to estimate a camera's intrinsic parameters and distortion coefficients. In order to avoid having to deal with the camera's distortion going forward, I would like ...
Brandon Feder's user avatar
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Understanding Notations of Matrix Calculus in Controller Tuning Article

I have been working my way through the paper "Iterative feedback tuning: theory and applications" (Hjalmarsson, Gevers et al IEEE Control Systems Magazine , vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 26-41, Aug. ...
Martin CR's user avatar
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Proof that the order of a linear prediction model cannot be reduced by analysing non-adjacent points

I have a signal, for which a linear prediction model of order $M$ can be constructed. This means, that a system of the shape $$ \begin{bmatrix} s_0 & s_1 & \cdots & s_M \\ s_1 & s_2 &...
Tigozawr's user avatar
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Derive white balance matrix operator in YUV space

Assume that the white balance matrix operator in RGB space is $$W=\begin{bmatrix} \alpha &0 &0 \\ 0 & \beta & 0 \\ 0&0&\gamma \end{bmatrix}$$ where the constants ...
In the blind's user avatar
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Properties of DFT of Circularly Symmetric 2-D Matrices

I'm very new in image processing and trying to get a grasp in the basic concepts in 2-D DFT. As far as I understood, DFT of a circulant matrix should also be a circulant matrix. But when I define a ...
Deniz Açıkgöz's user avatar
4 votes
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Smallest Eigenvalue in the Derivation of the MUSIC Algorithm

I am seeking clarification on a particular step in the derivation of the MUSIC algorithm as presented in a specific paper. Here, there is an intermediate step I cannot follow and I would appreciate ...
Naetmul's user avatar
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1 answer

To find the unitary matrix which is the null of the results of multiplication with another matrix

I have a matrix $F ∈ \mathbb{C}^{(m × N)}$, where $m < N$, and $F \times F^H$ is a unitary $m × m$ matrix. I need to find a unitary matrix $G$ with a dimension of $N × N$ such as results of $F\...
Fatima_Ali's user avatar
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Python - Discrete deconvolution using Toeplitz matrix

Lets say I have 2 vectors (1D signals that are sigmoids): $s$ and $m$, both related through the relation: $m = s * r$, my goal here is to recover the vector $r$ (should be a gaussian $\rightarrow$ ...
Michael's user avatar
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5 answers

Solving Inverse Problem of Multiple Pulses Over Multiple Channels with Convolution Kernel and Cross Channel Mix

Before I start, let me note that I have 0 experience with signal processing, so please bear with me: My System My system can be represented as an $m \times n$ matrix $X$ (input) where each column ...
Daniel Duque's user avatar
2 votes
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How to Solve a Composition of Convolutions from Regularized Least Squares Model in Frequency Domain

Assume we need to solve the model: $$ \arg \min_{\boldsymbol{x}} \frac{1}{2} {\left\| \boldsymbol{h} \ast \boldsymbol{x} - \boldsymbol{y} \right\|}_{2}^{2} + \frac{\lambda}{2} {\left\| \boldsymbol{g} \...
Royi's user avatar
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Solving linear equation of discrete convolution kernels using black box model for the convolution

In Solving inverse problem using black box implementation of the kernel the solution depends on solving the equations of the form: $${\left( {H}^{T} H + \lambda {G}^{T} G \right)} x = y$$ Where $H$ ...
Eric Johnson's user avatar
3 votes
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Solving regularized least squares problem using black-box computation of $\mathbf{A}\mathbf{x}$ and $\mathbf{A}^T\mathbf{x}$

Let $\mathbf{A} \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$. I'm working in a problem where I have a black-box algorithmic solution to compute the products $\mathbf{A}\mathbf{x}$ and $\mathbf{A}^T \mathbf{x}$ given ...
mlbj's user avatar
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What is the adjoint of the Goertzel algorithm?

The adjoint of the DFT is the IDFT. But suppose we don't need to calculate a full DFT (just a subset of frequencies), and so are using the Goertzel algorithm instead. What is the adjoint of the ...
Gillespie's user avatar
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Under what conditions does DFT(f(x)) = f(DFT(x)) hold?

I have encountered a text (a specification) in which $$\text{FFT}\left(f\left(x\right)\right) = f\left(\text{FFT}\left(x\right)\right)$$ is clearly presumed (for the functions they are applying). Thus,...
Bernd Wechner's user avatar
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Why is the total noise variance less than the sum of individual noise variances?

I have three random variables: $Y$: my data $Y_n$: my data corrupted by additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) $Y_{nc}$: my noisy data corrupted by a non-linear transformation $\mathcal{C}$. I have ...
graille's user avatar
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Matrix form of Overlap-add

We know overlap-add of a en-framed signal can be done easily by following code ...
Markus Christensen's user avatar
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Nuclear norm minimization of convolution matrix (circular matrix) with fast Fourier transform

I am reading a paper Recovery of Future Data via Convolution Nuclear Norm Minimization. Here, I know there is a definition for convolution matrix. Given any vector $\boldsymbol{x}=(x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n)^...
Xinyu Chen's user avatar
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Expressing mathematically the number of real addition operation for a vector after dividing it

I assume I have the length of such vector $y$ is $N$. In the first time I divide that vector into two columns and then sum them point-wise summation. The second time, I divide the same vector $y$ ...
Gze's user avatar
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What is the complexity of multiplication a real matrix with real vector

I have a real matrix $Z$ which is following the form as following: $Z = \begin{bmatrix} x_1& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0\\ 0& x_2& 0& 0& 0 & 0&...
Gze's user avatar
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Improving the intuition for the 2d fourier transform

As far as I understand, the 2d fourier transform is calculated as following: ...
dmmpie's user avatar
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How can I express the flipped output of multiplication in function of original inputs?

I have the vector $y = Dx$ where $D$ is a complex matrix with dimension $N \times N$, and $x$ is a complex vector of dimension $N \times 1$. If the vector $y_2 = [y'_N, y'_{N-1}, y'_{N-2},.... , y'_{...
Gze's user avatar
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Convolution between a vector and another symmetric vector

Let's have the vector $y = h * x$ where $*$ is the convolution operation, $h$ is the channel with length $N$ and $x$ is a symmetry vector which means $x = [x_M, x_{M-1}, ....,x_0, 0 , x_0, x_1, .... ...
Gze's user avatar
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The Matrix Form of a 2D Circular Convolution

I have 3 closely related questions regarding 2d convolutions and how they are represented in matrix form. 1. Miming what happens in 1d, I assume the product of a doubly block circulant matrix $A$ by a ...
mlbj's user avatar
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Coherence in compresive sensing

I am starting to write my master thesis, and it's in field of compressive sensing. I have some problems with math behind it. I don't understand the concept of matrix coherence. I know how it is ...
narutouzumaki 99's user avatar
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Can we recover a vector from one element of resulted vector after multiplication?

I have a matrix $X = \begin{bmatrix} 0.5000 + 0.5000i & 0.5000 - 0.5000i\\ 0.5000 - 0.5000i & 0.5000 + 0.5000i \end{bmatrix}$ multiplied with a column containing a complex number and its ...
Sajjad's user avatar
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Signal Processing on non-Euclidean domains

I have a very simple yet fundamental question. Suppose I have a vector of data $x \in \mathbb{R}^N$. Without additional information, I guess the majority of people think this vector as defined over ...
VanBaffo's user avatar
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Spectral Interpolation vs Linear Interpolation

What is the main edge of using a spectral method (Spectral Intp/Trigonometric Intp) for upsampling or downsampling a signal in comparison to using a linear (Trilinear Intp) method to do the same? I ...
Pranoy Ray's user avatar
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Reuse channel decoder for a smaller code dimension of linear block codes

I am working with the 5G NR polar code and have implemented the CRC-Aided Successive Cancellation List decoder based on this paper (Tal et al. 2012). As my decoder is only used to decode a limited ...
Rokai's user avatar
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Decomposing Sobel Filter

I am trying to decompose a Sobel filter into two vectors (column and a row) using Matlab. If our Sobel filter is A = [1 0 -1; 2 0 -2; 1 0 -1] we can get the U, S, V ...
100Large's user avatar
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Converting Hadamard Product into Matrix Multiplication in Image Deconvolution with Total Variation (TV) Using ADMM

I would like to solve the following Image Deconvolution equation by ADMM. $$\mathbf { \min\frac{1}{2}\Vert{Cx-b}\Vert_2^2+\Vert w\circ (D x)\Vert_1 \tag 1}$$ Where, $x$ is a vector of unknown pixel ...
Sushi man in Japan's user avatar
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Generate the Matrix Form of 1D Convolution Kernel

As a follow up to Generate the Matrix Form of 2D Convolution Kernel, could someone explain how to generate the matrix form of a 1D convolution kernel? How different convolutions shapes are handled? ...
Mark's user avatar
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Matrix multiplication computational complexity based on radix 2

I am wondering, can we use Radix 2 based computational-complexity calculation for any matrix multiplication whose size is $N$ x $N$ ?? where $N$ = $2^K$ and $K > 1$ is an integer ?? Or it can only ...
Fatima_Ali's user avatar
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Tikhonov Regularization for Complex Matrices

Tikhonov regularization is used to regularize ill-posed inverse problems if the matrix $A \in \mathbb{R}^{n,m}$ to be inversed has a high condition number. For example $$ A=\begin{bmatrix}1&1\\ 1&...
Bulbasaur's user avatar
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How to Solve the Image Dehazing Problem Using ADMM?

I want to solve the image dehazing problem using ADMM. I want to use the proximal algorithm to optimize each element. I refer to this treatise: Efficient image dehazing with boundary constraint and ...
Sushi man in Japan's user avatar
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Optimization of square matrix multiplied with another matrix to have the final result a unitary matrix

I have a square matrix $D$ whose size is $m \times m$ multiplied with another $m \times m$ square matrix $C$, I need to optimize the matrix $C$ to have a unitary matrix $DC$. I mean optimize the ...
Fatima_Ali's user avatar
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Why is incoherence important for compressive sensing?

The literature on compressive sensing (CS) frequently notes that CS relies on two principles: sparsity and incoherence. While I understand why the signal of interest should be sparse in some domain ...
blerner's user avatar
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Equation of line in the Homogeneous coordinate system

Given two points P and Q we can convert them to the homogeneous coordinate system, compute their cross product and thus get the ...
Mohit Lamba's user avatar
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What is the relation between eigenvalues and state-space response in control systems?

I understand the mathematics behind it but I want to know what happens physically in a real-life system. How do the eigenvalues come into the picture from a non-mathematical (physical) point of view? ...
Sagnik's user avatar
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Super Resolution in Frequency Domain Using Compressed Sensing

To be noted that I'm very new to this topic, I would like to understand the fundamentals of how to get Super Resolution in Frequency Domain estimation using the Compressed Sensing Model. I am also ...
Luca Romano's user avatar
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Linear correlation of two vectors?

We had a lecture on digital watermark detection using linear correlation. Here it was explained that the linear correlation of two vectors is equal to their scalar product divided by the dimension. So,...
Marcel Herbst's user avatar
7 votes
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Circular Convolution as Cyclic Shift Operator

Given the following signal vectors: $$ γ=[ψ_0,0,ψ_1,0,ψ_2,0,…,ψ_{N-1},0]^T\in \mathbb{R}^{2N}, ϕ=[1,\frac{1}{2},0,…,0,\frac{1}{2}]^T \in \mathbb{R}^{2N}$$ I want to show that the convolution of $γ$ ...
Nave Tseva's user avatar
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Relation between the matrix trace and the amplitude of each element

Assume a diagonal matrix $\mathbf X$ whose size $N\times N$ and its diagonal elements are $0.5 + 0.5i$, and the vector $\mathbf p$ of size $N\times 1$ whose elements have similar amplitude. I have ...
New_student's user avatar
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Taylor series approximation in Harris corner detection

While watching through the computer vision lecture on interest point detection, computing $E(u,v)$ requires computing the quantity $$E(u,v) = \sum_{x,y}(I(x+u,y+v) - I(x,y))^2$$ In the lecture, $I(x+u,...
calveeen's user avatar
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Harris corner detection shape of $E(u,v)$

I am taking a computer vision class and I have just learnt about the Harris corner detection concept. A corner is detected when a small shift in a window function defined around the corner results in ...
calveeen's user avatar
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Transform a data set by exploting the vectorfield

I am somewhat new in the field of Digital Signal Processing / Image processing. As shown in the figure, I have 4 straight lines $f_i(x)$ with $i = 1,\dots, 4$ that pass through $g(x)$. Similiarly ...
unfinished_sentenc's user avatar
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Image Matrix Vector Representation for the Degradation Model

I am trying to understand the the degradation model equation but I have doubt that how come y^t.x.h will be equal to x^t.h^t.y . Aren't they transpose of each other.
SOMA REDDY's user avatar
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Minimize the Cost Function of Values of Vectors Based on Their Amplitude

I have two vectors $X = [x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4]$; and $Y = [y_1,y_2,y_3,y_4]$; I know that $|x_1|$ = $|y_1|$, and $|x_2|$ = $|y_2|$,... so on. it means the difference is only in the sign. it might be ...
Gze's user avatar
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