Questions tagged [inverse]

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3 votes
3 answers

Can I set a constraint on the first tap of an FIR filter such that its inverse is stable?

Let's say I have the following FIR filter $h[n]$, so the output $y[n]$ for an input $x[n]$ is $$ y[n] = \sum_{k=0}^{m-1}x[n-k]h[k] $$ The inverse of this filter is given by the IIR difference ...
Condensation's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Filter odd or even harmonics with notch or inverse notch filter

I have a signal containing a 200Hz sine wave and it's odd and even harmonics (no other frequencies or disturbing signals are contained). What I'm looking for is a kind of filter which is able to ...
Rabobsel's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Deblurring 1D data using direct inverse filtering

In my assignment I have been given recorded temperature over a period of time (193 values) and the impulse response (5 values with n=0 corresponding to the middle value.) Data: data.csv ...
Mitul Agrawal's user avatar