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How to determine the cut-off frequency for a Gaussian filter in a reasonable way using frequency spectrum analysis?

I have 100Hz data, which is upsampled to 500 Hz using Cubic spline interpolation. Subsequently, I would like to smooth this upsampled data using filtering, but I struggle to find an objective basis ...
Márton Horváth's user avatar
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Probability of the rate of change of a filtered random process

I am given the following problem: I have a filter with impulse response $h(t) = e^{-10t}, t \leq 0$, and autocorrelation function of the input signal, which is WDS and Gaussian with median equal to 0, ...
average_discrete_math_enjoyer's user avatar
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4 answers

gaussian window for designing filters in DSP

I understand that we do not use rectangular window as a window in filter design because of the ringing/gibbs artifacts due to the sidelobes of the resulting sinc function in the time domain. ...
Mohit Lamba's user avatar
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Scaling a wavelet in continuous wavelet transform

The mexican hat wavelet, obtained from the second derivative of a Gaussian, has a functional form of $$ \frac{2}{\sqrt{3 \sqrt{\pi} \sigma \ }} \left(1-\frac{t^2}{\sigma^2} \right) e^{-t^2/(2\sigma^...
ACR's user avatar
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Play with a Gaussian Random Set in the Frequency Domain to Obtain Desired Effect in the Time Domain

Please assume we have a set of 100 random numbers obeying Gaussian PDF in time-domain. Let's index them 1-100. Within a time-accurate simulation, I apply four operations on this dynamic set every ...
Herpes Free Engineer's user avatar
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Band Limit in Gaussian Pyramid

In the paper The Laplacian Pyramid as a Compact Image Code, it says The pyramid algorithm reduces the filter band limit by an octave from level to level. How is the conclusion drawn? Is this related ...
Jogging Song's user avatar
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Relation between frequency spectrum and PDF of a random variable

I have a random variable that is being generated according to some probability distribution function (e.g. a Gaussian PDF). When looking at the frequency spectrum of the generated data does the ...
Television's user avatar
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frequency components of discrete Gaussian-windowed signal

When we are do a discrete Gabor transform on a 1D signal, we apply a Gaussian window on a segment of the signal. However, due to the tapering ends of the Gaussian window, the magnitude of the data ...
meta_warrior's user avatar