Questions tagged [dimensionality-reduction]

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6 votes
1 answer

Building a Pipeline for Image Classification / Clustering Tasks with Features Extractor and Dimensionality Reduction (Example on MNIST Data)

In MNIST, there are 28x28 images of hand written digits. What features would one extract in order to classify then without any Deep Learning involved? How does Dimensionality Reduction get in the ...
euraad's user avatar
  • 405
5 votes
1 answer

Image Clustering Using Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) Compared to t-SNE / UMAP

This is a a continuation of the discussion from Unsupervised Clustering of Images. Image that we have MNIST database and we want to separate all the images like this. But we want to use Linear ...
euraad's user avatar
  • 405
3 votes
1 answer

Unsupervised Clustering of Images: Which Algorithms?

Given a set of images $ \left\{ \boldsymbol{x}_{i} \right\}_{i = 1}^{N} $ how could one cluster them in an unsupervised manner? What are the useful features / tools to do so? For instance, will ...
euraad's user avatar
  • 405
2 votes
1 answer

Face Recognition by Eigen Faces Algorithm

I have $1200$ face images in my training set. There are $2989$ test face images. I am using eigenfaces (PCA) for feature extraction and $k$-means clustering. I even tried all $2989$ test face images ...
user3237134's user avatar